Chapter 10: Out of Control

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(Valentina's POV)

"Valentina Marie Diamond. Why am I here? Why am I picking you up from jail? I drove and hour to get here. Gas is NOT cheap. When I get here, I have to pay five-hundred dollars to get you out!! I want my money back." Phil said in a strong tone while driving in his car.

"Don't worry. I got your money."

"That answered none of my questions!! Why were you even there?"

"I keyed Bruno's Cadillac, slashed his tires, and slapped him and a pregnant woman. Well, my pregnant sister."

"Why is Bruno with your pregnant sister?"

"Remember Janaé. Well, she is actually my sister Crystal who lied about her age and name to Bruno. So, she's pregnant by him, or Josh, or Jason, or Mark, or Thomas. She's a WHORE!!"

"So, Janaé/Crystal is your sister? She's pregnant by Bruno or all those other guys and she's how old?"


"The Devil is a lie. She is not 18."

"Well, considering she's my sister, I think I would know..."

"Then, why are you in jail and not him?!!"

"I don't know. I was acting out with emotion. Like a small child."

"Well, that may be true. But still. Are you done acting insane?"

"Nope. I'm just getting started. I have to hurt him as much as he hurt me."

"Have you not realized that every time someone tries to get revenge, it just goes wrong. Like in Hamlet. If this madness don't stop, someone will end up DEAD!!" Phil yelled and gripped the steering wheel.

"Calm down. I won't kill him. I'll come close. I took Anatomy classes. I know how to almost kill him but make it look like an accident. He'll be fine."

"You are CRAZY!! Out of control Valentina. You need to be stopped!!"

"Phil, I'll be fine."

"How was jail?" He asked and laughed.

"Well, the food is nasty. But, it was a very interesting place. I smoked my first jail cigarette which is actually nicotine inside of a tightly rolled up piece of toilet paper. I had some Moonshine too. That stuff BURNS!! It's like poison. I met some interesting people too. This lady, her name is Big Ash. She was like 6 foot 4 and weighed like 300 pounds. She was so nice though. She choked her husband out because he cheated on her with her sister. Go figure."

"I am officially thinking about putting you into mental home."

"No. I'm not crazy. I'm not mental. I just wasn't thinking rationally when I killed his car and slapped my sister who just so happens to be pregnant. She'll be okay. It didn't hurt the spawn of Satan she's carrying."

"Why does it have to be the spawn of Satan?"

"Because, it just is. That child is going to be EVIL!! A devil child I tell you Phil."

"You have issues. Too many issues for me. I, Philip Lawrence, refuse to let you mess up your life any further than you have already done. It just won't happen." He said as we sped off into the night.

"Where have you been?!! I haven't seen or heard from you in two days." Leo yelled angrily.

"I was in jail. I know. I'm sorry and I told you I wasn't going to do anything bad. I acted on emotion."

"Jail?!! Valentina, what is your problem?!! We do have a daughter that is 7 months. She is a baby and needs guidance. I had to take her to Jayla's house!! You know how much I hate doing that. Meanwhile, your ass got yourself arrested and I'm sitting here clueless about your whereabouts."

Treasure (A Bruno Mars FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें