Chapter 9: It Will Rain

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(Valentina's POV)

Christmas Day, I spent it by myself drinking wine and eating sushi. I felt numb. Bruno had attempted to call me several times. I let my phone ring and ring. I can't talk to anyone right now. Leo and I are still not talking. He's not answering my phone calls. The only person I've talked to is Jocelynn. Yet, that was yesterday. I've just been sitting in the living room watching LMN and drinking wine. Day in and day out. It's New Year's Eve and I was drinking my last bottle of cheap Chardonnay. I didn't even feel like buying real wine. My phone began ringing. I looked at it and sighed.


"Hey Girl!!! What's up?"

"Who is this?"

"Perez Hilton darling!! I was calling to confirm if you and Bruno are going to be at my New Year's Bash tonight." He said happy and chirp like. I felt my heart constrict and my breathing hitched.

"Uhhh.. I don't know Perez. I haven't been feeling good."

"Awww!! Well, let me know if you guys are going to make it. I would love to see you."

"I'll let you know Hun!! Kisses."

"Ciao darling!!" He said and hung up. I placed my phone next to me and just sat there. As if on cue, Bruno calls. I couldn't say anything. The phone eventually stopped ringing and then beeped letting me know I had a voicemail. I called it and Bruno had left a voicemail.

"Hey Val. It's Bruno... Again. Perez just called and asked if we were coming to his party. If you don't want to go, I understand. I-I miss you and I'm sorry for everything I did. If you decide to go to the party, y-you can meet me there or I could pick you up. O-only if you want. I-I love you. Bye." He said ending the message. I hung up my phone after deleting the message. There was a knock on my door. I was feeling too lazy to open the door. The person kept knocking and knocking and knocking. I got off the couch wearing nothing but an over large t-shirt Bruno let me borrow months ago. I opened the door to see Leo standing there.

"Leo, what-" I tried to get out before he kissed me and kicked the door closed. My arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled me close to him by my hips.

"I love you SOOO much! Words don't even explain how much I love you. Be with me Valentina. Be mine."

"Leo. I-"

"I'm not taking 'No' as an answer. We've been friends for 10 years!! You've been down playing your feelings. Be mine already. Forget Bruno. I just want you."

"What about Jayla?"

"I have nothing with Jayla. She picks up Alaina on the weekends. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less."

"I don't know. This is all so much for me."

"I'm willing to make this work. Just you and me against the world." He said before kissing me again. His hands cupped my face as he kissed me gently.

"Okay. We'll try it. We'll try it." I said and looked up at him. He embraced me into a huge hug.
(Bruno's POV)

I sat at the bar sipping my drink. Nothing was going right. My mom and sisters are upset with me. My friends are even ignoring me. Except for Phil. He's the only one actually here for me. Someone sat next to me and I looked up. It was Alicia Keys. She smiled at me.

"Bruno. It's nice to see you." She said. I gave a light smile.

"Hey Alicia. It's been a while. How is Egypt and Swiss?" I asked just making small talk.

"They're great. Swiss is in New York though producing. Egypt is with my parents for the holiday."

"Ahhh.. Understandable." I replied and sipped my drink.

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