Chapter 18: The Fact Is (I Need You)

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I Can Even Raise The Child We'll Make

Make Sure He's Loved And Knows What God Gave

I Can Teach Him How To Walk And Stand

But He Needs You To Help Him Be A Man

We Need You

So Hard To Say

"Scott, Jill H. The Fact Is (I Need You). Jill Scott. Rec. 31 Aug. 2004. Pete Kuzma, 2003. CD."


(3rd Person POV)

Leo pulled up in Bruno's driveway and put his car in park. Something had clearly gone down between Bruno and Val the day before, and Val wasn't giving him any answers. So, Leo decided to go straight to the source.

He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?"

"Leo." He replied. After a minute, the door opened.

"What's up?" Bruno asked and shrugged his shoulders. He leaned casually against the door post and looked completely uninterested in anything Leo had to say.

"Uhh.. I need to talk to you about Val. I know she came over here yesterday.  When I asked her how it went, she got pretty upset and refused to talk about it. So, since she won't tell me, I figured I'd talk directly to the source..... You." Leo explained, crossing his arms. Bruno narrowed his eyes and moved out of the way so Leo could come in. Leo walked in the house and Bruno closed the door.

"Do you want something to drink? Rum, water?" Bruno asked in a bored tone of voice.

"No. I'm fine. Can we sit down?" Leo asked.

Bruno led him through the house and onto the back patio. They each took a seat at the glass table by the swimming pool. Bruno pulled a cigarette from his pocket.

"So, what do you need to know?" Bruno asked slowly, puffing on his cigarette and staring off into space. Leo was getting impatient with his calm, casual behavior and was seriously thinking about hopping over the table and beating him down.

"Well, what did you say to Val that made her so upset? Like I said, when I asked her about what happened over here yesterday, she clearly didn't want to talk about it." Leo said, glaring at Bruno.

"Ohh... I didn't tell her anything she didn't already know." Bruno said mysteriously.

"What does that mean?  What did she already know?" Leo asked impatiently.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, bro." Bruno said, smiling like he knew something Leo didn't.

"Keep playing with me Bruno and I might have to kick your ass. Just give me a straight answer." Leo said, losing his cool.

"If you must know, I told her I can love her better than you can.  I can make her happier than you can, AND I can be a better father than you can. Basically, I told her I was better for her than you. Which, like I said, she already knows." Bruno replied, looking amused at Leo's angry expression.

"And you honestly believe that? You hurt her to the point where I had to hold her in my arms and watch her cry herself to sleep for weeks. What makes you think she would be willing to come back to you when I've never made her cry? I've never made her hurt. I have a daughter and do a damn good job of keeping her clothed, fed, and safe. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke, and I only have a drink every once in a while. Versus you, who impregnates random women, drinks, smokes, and has to have MY fiancé support you through your troubles. You, a grown ass man! So, from where I stand, I'm better than you and more of a man than you'll ever be." Leo said, raising his voice.

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