Chapter 12: The Plot Thickens

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(Leo's POV)

2 1/2 Months Later

"Did you do it?" I asked Valentina through the door. My heartbeat began accelerating with excitement. I've been waiting for this day for my whole life.

"Yeah. I think so. Come in." She said. I opened the bathroom door and saw that Val was sitting on the side of the bathtub. She was wearing white shorts and a cotton candy pink shirt. Her cheeks were a light pink color and she was gently shaking.

"Well... Where is it? What does it say?"

"It's on the counter. I didn't want to look at it. You look." She said and wrapped her arms gently around her stomach. I took a deep breath in before taking a peek at the plastic stick that laid in front of me. Two light pink lines. Damn. I let out a short breath before breathing in quickly. "Oh my God," was all I could keep saying. A bizarre mix of emotions came over me as I picked up the small stick that held our future.


"Well.. What does it say?!!" Valentina asked quickly as she stood up and walked towards me. She placed a hand on my chest as she peeked to look at the pregnancy test.

"W-we're pregnant." I said as I stared at the ominous plastic white stick that I placed back on the counter. I was in shock. I couldn't say much of anything. That would explain the weird food cravings she's been having. I mean, what sane person eats ice cream and gummy worms on purpose?!! She wasn't showing though at all. Valentina grabbed the test off the counter and slid down the wall while looking at it. She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a soft sigh.

"I-I'm pregnant. I'm carrying a little person inside of my womb..." She placed her head between her knees. I walked over and sat next to her. I wrapped my arm across the top of her shoulder.

"Congratulations baby. You'll be the perfect mother." I said and kissed the top of her head. She looked at me and hung her head down. She ran her fingers through her hair again before looking back at me.

"Are we ready for this? I mean, we already have Alaina. What if something goes wrong? You know that's what I'm deathly afraid of. I can't lose a child Leo. I would die." She said before I gently kissed her lips and wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks.

"It's fine. Everything is fine. I'll be there for you every step of the way. We're in this together. "

"You don't have to carry a baby for 9 months Leo!! Do you know what comes with carrying a baby? No. You don't." Valentina snapped at me. I let out a deep breath. Here come the mood swings again.

"No... I don't know what comes with a pregnancy. But, I'm willing to find out. I'm here to help and support you. Like I said before, this isn't all on you." I said and just sat there.

"When is our wedding?" Valentina asked me. I was taken back by the question actually. We haven't even started planning it yet. We barely even talked about it since I proposed.

"I-I don't know. We haven't even started planning."

"I don't want to be a pregnant bride Leo.... I want to do this right. I want to be married before we have our baby."

"We can start planning as soon as possible."

"We can do a courthouse wedding now and then do a big fancy one once the baby is born."

"S-sure. We can start planning now."

"I just want to sleep right now." She said and got off the floor. She stopped in front of the mirror and lifted her shirt. There was a small, yet defined bump sticking between her hips.

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