Ch. 19~ Lana

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Last update today, I hope you like it! I like this chapter a lot. It's a little raw because it just took way too long to edit haha.

Last time... We find out that the King Creature made a deal with MELLA!! AAH!! He makes another deal with a scientist to fix his formula so that it infects all humans and not just adults.



The past week wasn't horrible, but it wasn't super fantastic either.

    Mort and Hank finally recovered, and Mort had a nasty mark on his arm from the cut. He called it a battle scar. He and AJ definitely spent a lot of time together, but I didn't know if they actually had something official.

    Speaking of official relationships, Lee asked Leila out on Saturday and Hank and Vicky became a thing yesterday (Sunday). I was pretty happy for all of them. Course Mella was always a problem with her constant flirting and seductive glances, but me and Chase's relationship was pretty much inseparable. Sam on the other hand... He was a bit of a different story.

    He constantly flirts with Mella, and then when she's not around he flirts with me, and... He's taking advantage of both of us. Not Mella as much as me because they were virtually flirt buddies now, but he knew me and Chase were kind of together, but yet he never fails to keep us separated the best he can.

    Something else kept me and Chase closer than usual... He told me about his mutation. He said he could name any note I played, so I had him turn around while I played piano. The names that flew out of his mouth matched directly with the notes that flew from my fingers. There was something different about the both of us. We needed to stick together.

The biggest problem was Quinn and Hunter. They constantly refuse to do their jobs, and when they actually decide to do them, they do it halfway and then stop. We actually have a job list so everyone knows what they need to do that day no matter what, so there weren't any excuses for not doing their jobs.

    The past week was exhausting, so instead of getting up and doing one of my jobs so I don't have to do it later, I just fiddle around with the keyboard.

    I attempted to learn Arabella, but that's really not a piano song. Defying gravity was closer since it had some piano in it, but it didn't really sound that great to me. Prelude number 5 was virtually impossible to get perfect without music, but I had a mediocre version down, and Perfect Symmetry was probably my favorite song to play. I could play it all different ways if I wanted to; I could play it like it was slow and sad, I could play it like the song was actually written, I could play it super dramatic and big, I could mess around with the rhythm... It was kind of like my morning coffee actually.

    This morning while I played, my mind was completely blank. All the horrible thoughts that usually invade my brain are below me, their coldness melted by the warm blankness of my mind. I watch the orange sun bleed in through the window and let this sweet cozy feeling fill me up all the way from my toes to the top of my head. My pajamas are still fuzzy and warm from sleep and my hair still especially unruly.

    I jump and stop playing as two arms wrap around my neck and I feel a chin on the top of my head. I smile.

    "Good morning Chase."

    "Hey cutie," He says with a valley girl accent.

    "Oh, my, God, Becky, I, am not, a cutie!" I retaliate, mirroring his valley girl-ness and ducking out from under his chin.

    "Whatever you say cutie," He teases, his green eyes sparkling from the orange sun, his messy hair swooping off his head in all directions. One part of me melts.

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