Please Forgive Me

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You Mine double updates are next and book 5 also the FINAL book of the series will start after I finish double updating everything

Drama in the book is arriving real soon so for those who are bored, hang in there I got you'll 😉

That's all


3 hours later

Kaicrye came out the bathroom after a long 3 hour shower

She stays in the shower as long as she wants, especially when she's mad

Kaicrye only had on her short black silk robe

Kaicrye heard soft snores on the couch and giggled at Khadarius knocked out

She still mad at him but he looks funny

He was waiting on her but it took longer then he expected and he ended up falling asleep now here they are

Kaicrye Pov

" This isn't right, this my last week before school and I don't wanna' spend it mad at bae', we supposed to be having fun all the rest of the week until we leave Friday night so I guess I can at least hear what he gotta' say "

" Sweethearts can be stubborn but not that damn stubborn, that's just how we are "

Kaicrye sighed and walked towards Khadarius layed out on the couch and straddled his lap making her warm dynasty touch the rim of his sweat pants

" Here goes nothin "

Kaicrye bent down and gently blew in his face causing him to squirm and gently scratch it then his eyes fluttered open and he jumped

Kaicrye giggled

Khadarius wasn't expecting his Kai to be on top of him, quite frankly she just scared the shit outta' him but he deserved it

" Please Forgive Me Kai, I'm sorry " Khadarius said.

" Is it still just your money cause you really hurt me when you said what you said to me KD " Kaicrye said.

Khadarius said up and flipped Kai on her back picking her thighs up wrapping them around his waist

" Anything that is mine it's yours, we are one so it's ours " Khadarius said.

" Ehh' how do I know you not speakin' a bunch of bullshit KD " Kaicrye said folding her arms against her chest.

" What if I join all our accounts together and bring in a new life savings account that will also be
joint " Khadarius said and Kaicrye gasped.

" You promise " Kaicrye said.

" Oh my dead gold fish Goldie " Khadarius said and Kaicrye giggled cuffing his face kissing his lips.

Khadarius had a gold fish when he was 4 and it died because he wanted to see if it could swim in the toilet if he flushed it

The gold fish went down and never came back

" I love you " Kaicrye said slapping him catching him off guard.

Be grabbed his left cheek

" What the fuck Kai " Khadarius said.

" Never say some shit like that to me again " Kaicrye said.

" Ok damn, my bad " Khadarius said and Kaicrye kissed his left cheek and gave it 3 pecks.

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