This Ends When I End It

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I'm so sorry you'll, you'll love this book so much and I haven't updated it in 2 weeks but you'll know why so don't go thinking I put this book on hold because I didn't

I AM BUSY that's all, on god that's all

Anyways I'm gonna' make it up to you'll right now, get ready

I'm finishing this book today so yas more updates coming on it TODAY until it ends and I hope you'll can find it in you'll heart to forgive me

Book 2 will premiere when it premieres but soon is all I can say *shrugs shoulders*

Does Love Hurt UPDATES are next

I'm sorry snowflakes and enjoy


The next day

Kaicrye Pov

" I missed you all so much, let's just say so much for getting pregnant, they took KD away from me and I literally cried myself to sleep "

" Mya called and I told her what happened and I did it quick so I could hurry the hell up and get off the phone so I could go back to crying, same goes for my girl Candice, her man David and Mychal "

" Now everybody been blowing up my phone trying to keep me calm and comfort me but the only thing I'm concerned about is getting my revenge on Tasha and Lanny, I know they did this but guess what, This Ends When I End It, they must think just cause' I'm a sweetheart that I won't kill somebody "

" They thought wrong, I know where they live too, they had their fun, now it's my turn "

" I really thought if I just said I was pregnant then they would cut me some slack, some people have no heart, I have one, a big one and after all my good deeds even when they were unnecessary I still gave to others and this is what I get in return, oh'
ok "


" I woke up in me and KD silk covered sheets king size bed and looked to the right of me and there was no KD, I broke down all over again "

" I'm gonna' be a minute "


" I just wore a long ass T - shirt and boy shorts plus fuzzy socks but I finally managed to get out the bed after at least 10 minutes of crying and I even turned my phone back on, but I showered and are frosted flakes for brakefast "

" Mya and Candice coming over to comfort me, why can't they just understand I wanna' be left alone and the doorbell just went off "

" I really don't need this right now but I walked away to answer it anyway "

" I opened the double doors with a blank face full of depression and they came in attacking me in a tight ass hug "

" I'm so sorry lil' sis' " Mya said.

" It's gonna' be ok Kai " Candice said.

" Yeah whatever, I didn't cook shit so I hope you'll ate before you'll got here " Kaicrye said pulling away and closed the double doors.

" Ummm' whose car is that across the street, it was just sitting there looking creepy and shit " Candice said.

" The fuck you talking about " Kaicrye said opening a door back up pissed off and fed up with all the bullshit that's been going on lately and as soon as she laid her eyes upon the car it drove away like it just got done succeeding a robbery.

" Ummm' ok that was weird but I'm sure it's nothing " Kaicrye said closing the door back.

" Are you sure " Mya said.

" No and I don't give an fuck either, I'm packing and so is this house " Kaicrye said walking away to sit down.

Mya and Candice just followed and sighed feeling so bad for Kaicrye and that's why they're there

Just to help her get through it


" If you don't wanna' talk about it then we don't have to " Mya said.

" Why won't you just bail him out " Candice said.

" Can, don't you think if I could I would've, they won't let me, they said because of the charges that I have to wait 3 to 5 years " Kaicrye said as her lip quivered just thinking about the terrible memories from last night.

Mya got up and sat next to her little sister that broke down again but this time with her head laid on her big sisters lap while she comforted her

" He was gonna' start planning how to propose to me, he had to do it in that stupid cold room, he even gave me the number to his jeweler, he told me just to hold him down, they took him away from me, this is all their fucking fault, they got what they wanted now I'mma' get what I want, I want Tasha and Lanny dead " Kaicrye sobbed.

" You sure about this, you could go down for killing them " Candice said.

" I won't if nobody finds out about it " Kaicrye said.

" I'm in " Candice said.

" I'm not but do what you'll have to
do and don't get caught " Mya said.

" We not and Candice be back here wearing all black at midnight " Kaicrye said.

Candice was taken back

" You not gon' wait a couple of days just to make sure they not expecting you " Candice said.

" I'm not taking no chances, I want them dead, the sooner the better " Kaicrye said.

" Whatever you say Kai " Candice said just shrugging.

" At least I'll feel better after I'm done with them "

Unknown Pov

" I sat in my ford stroking my dick while I was thinking about that body Kaicrye Palmers has on her "

" That beautiful women will be mine and this ain't no fantasy, this is real "

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