Breathe for me

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Justin POV

Guess who I found at the bottom? Yup......Selena with a gun in her hand aiming at me."Selena babe, put the gun down" I said calmly. She started breathing unevenly and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"How could you Justin" she said starting to pull the trigger. I started to panic and touched her hand to put the gun away from my face.

"Don't do something you would regret Sel." I said. I then heard a gun shot. A sharp pain went through my chest. It felt like hell. Like I was burning. I'm going to die. I'm sorry Ariana. I'm sorry .. I then fell in a deep sleep.

Ariana POV

I heard a gun shot and woke up instantly. I went outside and saw Justin on the ground. Blood was everywhere. I started sobbing thinking I was too late. I can't go for Frankie because I don't want to wake him. Stay with me Justin. Breathe for me. I told the 911 operator what had happened. They assured me that everything will be fine. I didn't believe them...

One thing I knew was that I couldn't leave him to die so I'd put my hands over his chest to stop the bleeding and started compressions. Breathe for me.

Thank God the EMT came. They placed some machines around Justin and took him away. I texted Frankie what had happened and told him I was going to be at the hospital if he needed me.

I took Frankie's Mustang and drove carefully to the hospital. When I got there they were pulling Justin in the stretcher towards his room.

"Excuse me ma'am" a doctor said standing in front of me to block my way.

"I need to get in there!" I said panicking.

"You need to stay out here only close family members can go in"

I sighed defeated. "Fine". I waited and waited and waited some more.

2 days later

I stayed at the hospital waiting for Justin to wake up. Finally, a doctor came and I was up before he was in talking distance. I smiled and he did also. So far so good.

"Well looks like he's fine. We stitched up the gash. He woke up a few minutes ago." He said.

"Can I see him?"

"Of course. Down the hall first door to the right."

"Thanks!" I shouted already halfway down the hall." I arrived at the door more excited then ever. I knocked.

"Come in!" A voice said that wasn't Justin's. I went in and saw a woman that looked just like Justin only about twice his age. "Hi! I'm Justin's mom Pattie." She said extending her hand to me. I took her hand and shook it.

"I'm Ariana. Justin's friend. how's Justin?" I said. Her expression then changed.

"He's exhausted from the surgery. Whoever did this needs to be charged and take responsibility for what they did." she said.

"Mom" Justin said. In his most sweetest innocent voice.

"Yes sweetie" she replied

"Can Ari.. I mean Ariana and I talk by ourselves?" he continued.

"Sure" she said looking at me then Justin and shutting the door behind her. I went up to Justin and hugged him being careful not to touch where he was shot.

"I'm sorry" I said feeling bad.

"Hey Ari look at me." he said. I looked at him." It's not your fault. Selena.." He winced when He said her name and that's when I knew.

"She did this! I'm going to kick her sorry butt at school tomorrow." I said feeling angry and sad that she would do something like this. Justin sighed.

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