We are never ever ever getting back together

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Ariana POV

I woke up in Frankie's room and Frankie was sleeping on the ground. I tip toed over Frankie and went to the bathroom. Today was the day my parents died. They were driving home from a club one night and collided with a drunk driver killing everyone in the crash. The paramedics couldn't revive them.

Well... At least I have Justin... Oh wait... I don't.

I take a shower and wrap the towel around me. I look in the mirror at myself. No wonder he didn't like me.. I was too ugly for him. I found the sharp object I used to cut myself yesterday and picked it up in my hand. I looked down at my forming scars.

"Don't do it.. You know that this isn't right" a voice says in my head. I sighed putting the object on the counter and went into my room closing the door behind me. I picked out a long sweater and jean shorts to put on. The long sweater would cover up the cuts on my arm even if it was 100 degrees outside. A knock was at my door.

"Come in Frankie" I said. He opened the door.

"How's it going kid?" He said

"Um I'm fine" I said.

"You know you remind me of mom" he said. I smiled. I loved both my parents but I was really close to my mom. People always use to say how close we were and stuff.

"You smile like her" he continued. He looked down at my arm. "How's your arm?" I rolled up my sleeve wincing slightly as the rough fabric brushed against my cut skin. He grabbed my hand ,dragged me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter. He saw the sharp object I left on the counter to try to re cut myself and sighed. He threw it in the trash.

"I'm sorry" I said. " I just put it there but I didn't do anything with it."

He looked up to me.

"I never thought you did." He said. He went through the first drawer and pulled out bandages wrapping then around my arm. It hurt a little but I knew it would help. "Finished" he finally said and put my sleeve carefully down over my arm.

"Thank you." I said. He nodded.


Frankie dropped me off to school. I took a deep breath and opened the doors to a nightmare. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked through the halls.

I went by my locker only to find the word slut written across it. I sighed and opened my locker taking out my books. I closed my locker and turned around to head to my class only to find Selena and Justin making out. Justin had a tight grasp on Selena's butt.

I felt my face get red of anger as tears filled up my eyes. I dropped my books, went up to them and tapped Selena on the shoulder. Justin didn't face me. He just looked down.

I grabbed Selena's hair until she fell on the ground. I'm not a fighter but I couldn't help myself this time. She scratched my face. I could feel blood running down the right side of my face. I tried to hit her but missed.

I felt hands around my waist pulling me off of Selena as Justin pulled her away from me. We still tried going at each other but we weren't strong enough to get out of the grasp of the hands around us. Selena glared at me then her and Justin walked away hand in hand.

Angry tears streamed down my face. I was betrayed and hurt. Why would he go back to Selena. I turned around to see Ryan. He was the one who pulled me off Selena. I started sobbing. I hate to cry in front of people. It made me feel weak.

Ryan placed his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest. He was like another brother to me."Shh. She's not gonna bother you anymore."

Truth is I didn't really care about Selena. I was crying because of Justin.

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