JJ and J

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"Well?!" Caitlin said. He cleared his throat.

"He's fine. Just in a little pain from the sudden impact and a little hung over but he doing good." He said.

Caitlin started crying. Not of sad tears, but happy ones.

"Aww Cait." I said forming a huddle around her with Justin.

Winter Break*

Ariana POV

Today Justin's little brother and sister (Jazzy and Jaxo) were coming to visit him. I've seen pictures of them ,but have never in real life. I know what you're thinking, they can't come by themselves... Pattie went to Canada to get them and is coming back today. She was really close to them even if they weren't her kids.Justin was really excited to see his siblings since he barely sees them. Ever since the incident with Ryan he has done better with his drinking. We sat on the couch with a movie on even though we weren't watching it.

"Justin" I said. He looked to me.


"What..what if they don't like me?" I said.

"Well we were made for eachother and I'm their brother. So I'm 99.9% sure they will like you." he said.

"Ok Dr.Bieber." I smirked. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed my forehead.

"You seem a little cold. Would you like me to warm you up?" he said deepening his voice.

"Oh, that's a tough one doc." I said just as he took off his shirt reveling his well toned abs. I covered my eyes. Justin took my hands from my eyes and placed it on his stomach. He shuddered as I ran my hands over the indents.

I hear someone clear their throat behind us. I quickly take my hand off and look down embarrassed.

"Bieber!" I heard a little girl say.

"Hey Baby girl. How are you?" I heard Justin say.

"Good. I missed you" she said.

"Aww. Me too" he replied.

"What about me!" I heard a little boy say. Justin laughed.

"I can't forget about Jaxo!" he said. "I want to show you guys someone."

I looked up. Jaxon hid his face and held on to Justin.

"You don't need to be shy." I said. He looked at me.

"This is my girlfriend." Justin said.

"I'm Ariana" I smiled. Jazmyn tapped Justin's shoulder. He looked down at her.

"She's really pretty." she said.

I smiled.

"She is isn't she?" Justin replied. I blushed.

"Would you guys mind if you take them out somewhere? I have to go run some errands. I left 40 dollars on the counter and I have car seats by the front door" Pattie said.

"Sure mom" Justin said. Pattie then left. "So, where do you guys want to go?"

"The beach!" They said. I chuckled a little.

"You guys have nothing to wear!" Justin said.

"Please Bieber?" Jazzy said in the sweetest voice I've ever heard. Justin sighed.

"Anything for you." Justin replied smiling. Jazzy and Jaxon jumped up and down excitedly.

Justin and I got them strapped up in their seats, got the $40 and took off to the beach.

"Are you going to marry Ariana Justin?" I heard Jaxon say. I looked out the window pretending not to hear but eager to hear Justin's answer.

"One day Jaxo. One day."

I smiled.

*The beach

Justin POV

"We're here" I said.

"Yay!" Jazmyn and Jaxon said smiling. I smiled back. They are a big part of why I gave up drinking. I got out the car with Ariana and we took them to the water.

2 hour later

Jazzy and Jaxon got their clothes all wet so we had to take them home.

"Did you guys have fun?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah!" they said.

"You guys are all wet!" I said. They laughed.

"Pattie is going to be mad!" Jazzy said giggling.

"Shh don't tell her" I said


I saw my mom outside when we arrived home.

Jazzy and Jaxo ran out of the car.

"Pattie!" they said running out to her they hugged her.

"Why are you guys all wet?" she asked. Oh great..

"Justin took us to the beach!" Jaxon said.

"Shh we aren't suppose to tell" Jazzy said. I smaked my forehead.

"You're so dead" Ariana said jokingly.

I slowly walked over to my mom.

"Hey mom." I said

"I try to trust you with them and look what happens." she said. I looked down. "If I can't trust you with this then I can't let you take them anywhere anymore"

"I'm sorry mom"

"Don't be mad Pattie. Justin is good. I love him" I hear Jazzy say. She reaches out to me so I pick her up.

"I love you too princess." I say. I see my mom smile. She kissed my head.

"They really look up to you Justin." she said. She pried Jazmyn off me and took her and Jaxon upstairs to get ready for dinner and bed.

"You're going to be a great dad." I hear Ariana say. I turn to her and place my hands on her waist.

"You're going to be a great mom." I say. She giggled. I pick her up,fling her over my shoulder and go inside the house.

One day I will marry her.


This was a short chapter. I'm trying to update as much as possible but I have finals coming up and ugh. if you have any ideas for next chapter comment.😃

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