Lets go to the beach-beach

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Justin POV

I lay in my bed with a bottle of alcohol in my hand. The day we broke up, I just started drowning my sorrows by drinking and it kind of helped. Not long after, I couldn't live without it and I became addicted. I thought of telling someone when Ariana and I got back together. But, I can't.

After taking 1 more drink of the wine I stole from my moms cabinet, I put on my swim shorts and a Diamond Co shirt. Taking my keys, I drove to A's house. I knew I wasn't drunk because I was aware of my surroundings. When I got to her house I knocked on the door.

Ariana opened it and smiled.

"Hey" I said. She scrunched up her nose.

"What's that smell?" She said. She smelled the alcohol off my breath and I knew.

"Um.." I knew it was time to tell her.

Ariana POV

"What's that smell?" I said. The smell was strong and it burned my nose every time I inhaled.

"Um.." Justin said. He was hiding something. I took his hand and made him sit on the couch. I sat on his lap turning to face him.

"What's wrong babe?" I said. He took a deep breath.

"Ok.. well when we broke up I kind of spiraled out of control. I couldn't handle the pain..." He was in pain too? I didn't know that. I nodded for him to keep going giving him my full attention. "... I had no one to talk to because Ryan wouldn't talk to me and my mom wouldn't understand ,so I tried weed..." he paused again. He looked down. "...it worked for a while but it wasn't strong enough to help me forget, so I turned to alcohol. First it was just a little per day then it turned into a bottle per day and getting wasted and stuff."

"Oh Justin" I said softly.

"I understand if you want me to be out of your life. I'm a bad person." he said. I put my hands on both sides of his face and gently raised his head up to face mine.

"Justin.. I will never leave you. I'm going to help you through this." I said.

I should probably tell him about my cutting too. "Justin I have something to show you." When I saw he was paying full attention, I lifted my sleeve to reveal the scars on my arm. He ran his fingers over the scars.

"You did this because of me...." He said quietly. Tears ran down his face. He quickly wiped them thinking I didn't see. He kissed the scars and put my sleeve down. "I'm sorry" he said sniffing.

"Me too" I said. He looked me in the eyes with his tear stained eyes and smiled. I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on top of my head. We stayed like that for a while not moving. We could hear the birds chirping around us.

"Justin..." I said.

"Hmm" he replied.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too." He replied. "Let's go somewhere."

"Where?" I said

"The beach" he said.

I got off his lap and pecked his lips. He placed both his hands on either side of my head and kissed me slower more passionate. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back.

I went upstairs and changed into my new bikini. I've been waiting to put on. It was a size too big but I had to get it. I put on a crop top that said summer and short shorts on.


We pulled up to the beach in Justin's car. Justin came around and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and walked to a section of the beach and we put our towels there. I took off my shorts and shirt and Justin took off his shirt. Oh wow his body...

"Your drooling" Justin said. I blush and look down. "Oh and by the way you look really hot" he says. I blush harder.

"Ill race you in the water" Justin said.

"It's on" I say.

"Go" he said. I ran as fast as I could. My hair flying behind me. This was probably the fastest I ever ran, which is kind of sad now thinking about it, as I neared the water I became more excited. I'm soo winning I thought. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and lifting me from the sand.

"Put me down Justin!" I screamed. There was no way I can let him win.

"Sure" he said. He was actually listening to me? "1,2,3!" he said. I felt my body flying in the air for a second and then I felt myself under the cold salty tasting water. Justin's soo dead. I walked over to Justin who was having a laughing fit.

"You are so dead." I said.

"Oh yeah? Well what are you gonna do?"

"This!" I splashed a bunch of water in his face. His hair came down over his face making him look really..hot. He splashed me back and pretty soon we were splashing each other. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Suddenly Justin stopped splashing me.

"Why did you stop?" I asked. Soon I felt a breeze across my chest where my bikini top should be. I looked down and saw that it was gone. I quickly covered myself with my arms and turned away from Justin who was staring. "Um this is really embarrassing" I say.

"Well at least you look hot" he says.

"Justin!" I say "Keep your thoughts to yourself!". He laughs. I hear the water as Justin walks away. "Justin! Where are you going!" I shout. I was half naked and he wasn't going to help me. I sigh and lay low in the water before everyone can notice the naked teen girl.

"Here you go." a voice says behind me. I jump up a little and heard Justin's warm chuckle. I turn to face him still covering myself to yell at him for leaving me and not finding my bikini top ,but then I saw he handed me his shirt. I grab the shirt, turn around and put it on.

"Better?.." I ask

"Um..I liked it better with the shirt off." He said smirking. I slap his face.

"I was kidding!" He said laughing. "You look perfect just the way you are."

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then kissed me. It first started slow and then got fierce. It was like the time we were at his house. Our tongues moved in unison with each other.

"I love you" Justin said when we caught our breath.

A lifeguard blew his whistle. "It's raining! Get out of the water!"

Justin and I look up in the sky and feel the water hitting our faces. Justin puts me down and grabs my hand running to our towels and clothes. Then we run to his car laughing.

"That was amazing" I said.

"You're amazing." he said. I smiled and kissed him again.
Hey guys! I had writers block so I couldn't upload. Thanks for waiting. Next chapter is going to be in the next 10 days.

Ok so Justin turned 20 😭. Omg I can't believe it. He's not a teen anymore😭. And in the next 5 years he wants to get married..and then kids... Oh my gosh😭😭.

The media really needs to leave Justin alone though, they don't have to release videos of him pissing in jail. I mean that's too far. I don't see any vids of any other celeb in jail.

Happy Birthday Madison Beer!!

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