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Ariana POV

Today Justin was taking Jazzy and Jaxon to the movies. Since I met them, we got closer and it feels like they are my little siblings. The past few days I've been going straight to Justin's house to help him out with his little brother and sister but today I was just giving him alone time with his sibling. You know "bonding time".


Justin's POV

I was getting our tickets when I heard two adults (a couple?) arguing behind us. Something about kids and I don't know. I held on to Jazmyn and Jaxon's hand afraid of loosing them in this crowd of people .

"What movie are you going to see?" I heard the person behind the counter say.

"Um.." I turned to Jazmyn and Jaxon.

"Despicable me!" they said. I chuckled and let go of their hand grabbing my wallet.

"Despicable me I guess" I said. I got the tickets and turned to see my brother and sister talking to the arguing people.

They smiled at me.

"Your kids are the cutest." the women said. I smiled.

"They are actually my brother and sister." I said.

"Oh." she said.

"You guys ready to watch the movie?" I say.

"Yeah!" We went inside.

The theatre*

The movie theatre soon got dark and the movie started.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

"Justin." I hear Jazmyn say. It sounded like she was crying.

"What's wrong baby?" I said.

"Jaxon went with the nice people Justin." She was sobbing now. I picked her up and carried her out the theatre.

"What happened?" I heard what she said but I couldn't believe it. It was kind of like I was in shock.

"Bieber. Jaxon went with the nice people!" she sobbed louder. I started panicking. No no, not my little brother. This can't happen. I ran back into the theatre.

"Jaxon! Jaxon!" People were shushing me but I didn't care. I looked at the row we were sitting in and the rows before and after us. I couldn't find him. I went back outside. I went to the men's bathroom.

"Justin that's the boys bathroom. Justin I don't want to go in there." She said.

"But Jazzy I can't leave you out here. How about we play a game and you close your eyes." I say as calmly as I can. I kissed her nose. I went into the bathroom and checked every stall. I asked some lady to check the women's bathroom but there was no sign of Jaxon.

I reported Jaxon missing to the police. They told me to go home and they will try their best to find Jaxon. I protested but finally agreed.

"Bieber. Why didn't you see the people take Jaxon away? Why didn't you help him Bieber? You're a bad brother. I hate you" Jazmyn said.

I know I am. You have every right to hate me. I wanted to say as we drove home but nothing came out.


I saw my mom outside looking eager for us to come home. I guess she heard from the police. She looked like she was crying. Jazzy ran out the car to my mom.

"Justin let Jaxon go Pattie!" I heard her say from the car. I got out of the car and walked towards my mom.

"Justin..how could this happen! You lost your brother! What am I suppose to tell your dad.. oh your son lost your son. How is he going to take that?!" She said tearing up.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut this Justin."

I went up to my room and slammed my door. I just lost my brother. One of the most important people in my life. I snuck downstairs to my moms wine cabinet and took a bottle to my room. I slid my back down the wall in my room and felt the back of my throat stinging and my vision got blurry. I heard sobs. Who was crying? It took a while for me to realize that I was crying. My vision kept flashing back to right before and after Jazzy told me that Jaxon was gone.

I looked at the bottle in my hand and opened it up. I took a big swig at it. My nose flared and throat burned. I felt useless. This 4 year old was one of the people that kept me grounded. He kept me sane. I took another drink. I'm sorry Jaxon. I will find you.I love you.


Follow Minnierocks because she helped me with some of this chapter 😃

Have you heard Justin's new songs?😭😭

They are so on point👌

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