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Summer break

Ariana POV

Justin and I have been applying to colleges but we aren't sure if we really wanted to go. I mean we might take a year off from school. Justin and his drinking has gotten better since I got him actual help.

"Babe.." Justin said

"Yeah." I said resting my head on his lap. He leaned down and kissed me. His lips were so soft on mine.

"Guys... guys!" We hear Frankie say. Justin pulled away. I pulled his head back to mine and kissed him again. I know Frankie was pissed. He hates seeing his sister showing "display of affection".

I pulled away and looked to Frankie.

"Yeah Frankie?" I said.

"Oh sorry. Are you still busy?" He said

"I'm sorry Frankie he's just too cute" I said looking at Justin. Frankie rolled his eyes.

"I'm going out...I trust you guys to make good choices... I'll be back in 5 hours" Frankie said.

"How far do the words good choices go?" I say.

"You should know." Frankie said before leaving.

"Do you want to go get some lunch?" Justin said.

"But Justin it's 6. You mean dinner right?" I said.

"Sure same thing" he said. I laughed.

"You're a special one Justin." I said. He laughed. I got up to go get ready. Justin smacked my butt. "Justin!" I said. He just started cracking up. I sighed and shook my head.

Justin POV

I decided to take my girlfriend to Olive Garden. Fancy right? Tonight was I was going to propose to her. Yes I know we are just 18, but this was not just your typical "high school relationship". We've been through a lot more than the average teenage relationship goes through. I pulled out the ring box from my back pocket and opened it. Sudden nerves came over me as I looked at the diamond studded ring.

What if she says no?

What is she doesn't like it?

I heard footsteps and stood up from my position on the couch. I quickly placed the box back in my pocket. Ariana came down looking more beautiful then ever. I smiled at her. She came down and held my hand.

"You look gorgeous." I whispered in her ear. She shuddered. We walked out the house and I realized the next time we will walk in she will be my fiancé. I smiled at the thought.

Olive Garden*

I shifted nervously in my chair as I waited for the right moment to propose. I ran the lines through my head as we ate.

"You are my everything...I love you" I rehearsed in my head.

"What's wrong J?" Ariana said

"What do you mean?" I replied trying to play it cool. Almost..

"You acting really weird." She said. "Did you do something?"

"No. I just um.." Now was the time.

I stood up and kneeled next to Ari on 1 knee. I started my speech.

"Ariana, I love you so much. We've been through so much. We had problems but I never stopped loving you. You are my everything and when I try to live without you I can't. It's impossible to stay away from your beautiful smile...

She smiled at me with tear brimmed eyes.

...I know we are still so young but my love for you is so big. I would take 1,000 no more than 1,000 bullets for you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and maybe even start a family." I took out the box and opened it. She gasped tears now streaming down her cheek.

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