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I watched the sun start to rise out of the hospital window. I was so worried about my mom, and I was still waiting for the test results. I was so tired, but I had to stay awake. I couldn't leave her side.

My eyes kept automatically closing, but I held them open.

"Honey, you can go home. Get some sleep. I can stay here with your mother," my dad said. I could tell he was just as exhausted as me.

"No, I want to stay," I protested

"Mr. and Miss Moore?" The doctor asked. My dad and I immediately jumped up.

"We have the test results. She had a heart attack." My throat instantly dried, and my knees weakened. "I'm so sorry, it was just too late."

My mind was spinning. I was going to be sick. I couldn't believe this.

Everything went black.


When I woke up, I was the one sitting in a hospital bed.

I looked over to see James sitting by the window.

Confusion flooded over me until I remembered everything.

"Hey," I said groggily.

James snapped his head up.

"You're okay!" He cheered. His face instantly softened. "I'm so sorry."

I sat up, and my eyes started to fill with tears.

He pulled me into a hug and began to rub my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"I just don't understand!" I cried out.

"I know, I'm so sorry." He said.

He kept rubbing my back, and I couldn't feel more appreciative of him.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked, sniffling.

"Your dad called me. He told me that as much as he didn't like me, he knew I needed you now."

I was surprised, but thankful.

He hugged me again, and we stayed like that for what felt like forever.

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