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I liked dating Liam. Everyday was amazing.

He was so sweet, and I never knew I could like him even better than before.

Other than being sweet, Liam was such a gentleman. He would always open the door for me, and get me things I wanted such as a glass of water or a package of M&Ms.

He'd always say, "Don't lift a finger. I'll get it for you."


Months passed, and it was finally our one year anniversary.

Liam had something planned, but he wouldn't tell me what.

That night, I curled my hair, did my makeup, then put on a little black dress with some heels.

At 8PM, he picked me up in his car. He drove to where our surprise date would be held, and I couldn't be more excited.

When we pulled up, I gasped. All I could see was small twinkling lights and a picnic basket, with a bench overlooking the lake.

My vision blurred from the tears filling up my eyes.

"Oh Liam, it's beautiful."

He ran out to open my door, being the gentleman he is.

We walked out onto the blanket and sat, enjoying the food as well as each other's company.

Suddenly, he turns to me and says, "I have something for you," while pulling out a flat box.

I take the lid off, and see a gorgeous silver necklace with my name on it.

"I love it," I said, crashing my lips against his.

I turned around, while he placed it around my neck.

I looked down and touched the pendant with my name engraved into it.

"I love you," he said.

Without any hesitation, I responded with, "I love you too."

He kissed me again, and we spent the night finishing the food, gazing up at the stars, and sitting down on the dock with out feet in the lake.

The next morning, I woke up in his arms.

I instantly heard birds chirping, which put me at peace.

Minutes later, I heard my phone ring.

I sat up to grab it, and Liam awakened.

It was an unknown number, but I picked it up anyways.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello. Is this Miss Brooke Moore?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Rachel Quinn, head of Yale University."

I instantly sat up, my mind in a shock.

"Your acceptance letter wasn't delivered because of a mishap in the mail, but I wanted to deliver the news to you."

"Wait," I paused. "My acceptance letter?"

"Yes. Full scholarship. We'd love it if you'd join us here."

"Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Congratulations!" she said, and ended the call.

"Who was that?" Liam asked, obviously noticing my excited face.

"Rachel Quinn, the head of Yale University. I got in, full scholarship!" I squealed.

"Oh my god, Brooke! That's amazing! I told you you'd get in!" he exclaimed, picking me up by my waist and twirling me around.

Finally, my mind processed everything that was going on.

"Wait, that means I have to move to Connecticut. Away from Michigan."

My heart dropped.

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