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Selena's P.O.V

"Why do you have to go?" I whine again.

"Because....*sigh* I have to! aunt Marie needs me this time and I have to go" Cole runs his hand in his hair.
"I have to help her on this business trip, she needs someone to travel with her to Mexico and I'll do it because you have school" he sighs again.
"You have school too" I huff.
"Yeah but this is your last year and you need to get good grades to go to good colleges"

"Fine" I cross my arms.
"See ya sista" he kisses my cheek and steals a hug.

"See ya brotha" I yell before aunt Marie's car is out of sight.

Great. Lonely again.
Let's text Lucy and Emily and have a girls' day.

Yeah perfect.

>text messages<
(S=Selena , L=Lucy, E=Emily)

E= So Sel... You finally alone now?

S= Um, yeah but i hate it! I was never a lonely girl. I mean like I can't stay alone for a huge amount of time so I'm inviting you guys for a girls' night:) Okay?

L=OMG!!YAS!!Can't wait.

E= Jeez Lucy chill gurl... Sel, you want anything?

S=DUH???!! I'll order pizza and get everything ready. I just need you guys to grab some movies and junk on the way. SEE YA BITCHESSS.



I order pizza and get all my pillows packed up in the living room on the floor with a couple of blankets. After a couple of minutes the door bell rings and Emily and Lucy scatter in muttering 'hi's and 'whats up'.

We put on a horror movie after eating our delicious pizza and join in for the chocolate and candy.

We are all too focused on the movie as if we are literally experiencing it. The blonde stupid girl in the movie heads to open the door at midnight after hearing a knock. "Omg she's so stupid!! Who opens the door at midnight to a strange knock KNOWING THERE'S A KILLER OUT THERE??!!" Lucy yells digging herself deeper in our own 'bed' which is located on the floor with about a hundred blankets. "I know!! I would call the police and enjoy my sleep while that killer gets disappointed and agrees to the fact that I'm not like blonde girls in horror movies" I whisper.

At the very moment MY door bell rings and guess what? IT'S MIDNIGHT!!

"Holy shit please tell me I just imagined that?" I whisper glaring at Lucy who's looking at the door with wide eyes and dry lips saying "I heard it too".

The door bell rings again and we all jump because the blonde idiot in the movie is being skinned alive. "Jeez guys it's only a movie!! We are in reality here. No killers in our town. No stupid blondies. And will someone just open that door?!" Emily sighs and gets up since she knows we aren't moving an inch.

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