Chapter 23

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C H A P T E R   23


"For heaven's sake john" Emily pushes his gun away and presses his stomach.

I sprint and huge Emily, then i help john up.

"You're hit" Justin says.

"Good to see you too" John smirks.
"John are you okay?" i ask when he sways a bit.

"He lost a lot of blood" Emily says nervously.

"I'll carry him, Hazel lead the way to our TH" justin says taking john's hands and wraping them around his neck.

We start walking and then the couple ask.


I sigh, chuckling and shakingnmy head...

"You'll see"


"Nice place man"

"Stop talking i need to get this bullet out" justin glares at john.

"Okay...okay..damn Sel is doing a great job getting you--AHH SHIT!"

Justin smirks while throwing the bullet and climbing down the house.

Emily rushes in and holds john's hand, mumuring "you're okay"

I smile at them and help john up to one of the beds.

"Did you guys get any stuff with you?" i whisper to Emily and she just nods motioning to an old worn out bag thrown at the side.

"We need to find a way out of here" john grumbles.
Justin comes in, interested in the conversation. "We lost all means of communication with our base, so how do you expect us to leave this place?"

"Alec and his gang have one here...a base"

"What?!! Since when?! And why haven't we found out about it till now!" Justin yells. "Because they have kept it hidden and our men were too stupid to see it" john growls out. "There must the someone on the inside working with them"

"Plus we need to find Lucy and Zac" I interrupt. They all nod and we start planning.
"Apparently our only way out of here is to get to this base, after finding out remaining friends, and putting our lives to risk just to get to a radio and contact your group to come and get us... How are you so sure it's gonna work? And that nothing unplanned is gonna happen?" Emily speaks out.

"We don't" Justin mumbles. "We just need to take the risk because it's our only choice"
"What about Lucy and Zac? When are we planning on finding them?" I ask.

"We are suspecting that they have them at the base" john hisses when he tries to get up.
"What! How do you suspect it?"
"Well because Emily and I stumbled past Alec's group and we managed to hide before they can see us but we heard that they had them and that they were gonna take the. To their base"

"And you guys think that 'them' is Lucy and Zac?"

"Well yeah because they don't have anyone else they want and it seams like we are the only two gangs on this island"

I nod my head in realization " so tomorrow we are going to that base of theirs?"
"Not we...there's no we it's just going to be me and john" Justin glares.

"What? No! John is injured and he is in no position to go with you--"

"--Sel I'm perfectly fine--" john interrupts me but I just ignore him and continue
"--and no way you're thinking with your right mind if you think that I will agree to let you go there alone"

"Selena I can't risk losing you"
"Well me too"

We fall in an uncomfortable silence. Waiting for someone to say something and break it. "Justin, you can take Selena with you" john suddenly says. Common sense.

"No" Justin growls.
"Chill man..I'll take Emily with me and the girls stay hidden in the tunnels and we make a move to try and get one of the helicopters they have on the roof and get Lucy and Zac out of there, if we call our base, Alec is going to find out and he's gonna track us and our gangsters won't arrive in time to save us"

"You're right" Justin says after a couple of minutes of silence. I sigh in relief that he's taking me with him.

"Let's just get some rest because we have a big day tomorrow" Emily yawns and pulls herself a blanket and puts it next to john's.

Justin and I move to the other side of the room and we get comfortable and cuddle until we both fall asleep listening to our heart beats.

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