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Thanks for all the people who added my story to their reading lists  and I thank mostly the ones who are commenting and voting:))

Thanks for all the people who added my story to their reading lists  and I thank mostly the ones who are commenting and voting:))

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I'm lost.
Well duh! Who won't be lost in a very big jungle that seems like your going in circles when you walk for hours.

I swear I've seen this rock minutes ago.
It's all Justin's fault!! He's the one who played me and made me think he likes me TWICE!!!!! and now? Look where I ended up in.

I'm running away from my loving kidnapper who's supposed to be my hero, in a huge jungle at night plus I'm lost.

What a night.
I hear rustling and immediately I'm in defiance position.
"Look squirrel, leave me alone. I'm an expert in karate I have a yellow belt" if there is a yellow belt.
Is there?

Don't know.

Jeez I'm going crazy and talking to a squirrel isn't helping.( no shit )

I don't know if a bush or a tree or whatever it is, is moving....but it's creeping the hell out of me.

Being my stupid self I come closer and move the so called bush for a rabbit to jump out and I scream.

"Damn you cute rabbit!" I take a few deep breaths and continue my lost journey.
I hear another rustle and I just roll my eyes and say

"Not working this time rabbit, go jump and eat carrots or whatever you do...just live your happy and careless life"

I wish I was a rabbit. No worries, no problems, no feelings, no betrayal.

I hear another rustle and I just sigh and walk towards it
"Fine you wanna play peek a boo then--" I move the bush aside and yell
"PEEK A BOO-- holy shit"

A deadly looking tiger jumps from above me and starts circling me roaring and baring his teeth at me, like I'm his prey and he's the predator.

Well that's true.

I freeze in my place not daring to move. One wrong move and I'm all swallowed up.
I know I can't stay like that because not moving will cause me to be eaten and moving will also be the death of me.
No solution here.
What if he eats me? And that's it? That's the end of my boring life? Uh-uh I'm not dying here, I don't care what happens but I have to live. I have to have a beautiful loving husband and children running around my huge mansion.
Yeah my amazing future life.
What if--

He or she or whatever it is roars again pulling me out of my train of my future life.

Okay I'm over thinking. I have to move fast. I mean slowly but in a fast way.
Get it?

Bad Boy's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now