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C H A P T E R 25


Falling unconscious isn't what you thought it was. You don't see your dead parents. You don't go back and revive memories. You don't listen to your beloved ones sitting next to you speaking to you and hoping you're listening.

Because you're not.

You don't even realize you're unconscious until you get that conscious back.

You can't open your eyes first. Okay that part is true, your eyes do feel heavy. I bet it the effect of Morphine.

And now I'm acting like a smarty pants trying to open her eyes.

Finally after using the last ounce of energy I have in me, I pry my eyes open and adjust them to the lighting in the unbelievably white room. A slight pain in my right hip showing up.

"W-w.." eh, at least I tried.

"Here." A hand appears in front of me, holding a cup of water. I snap it away and gulp it down slowly to ease the pain and not intensify it.

"W-what happened?" I cough out.

"You've been in surgery for 6 hours. And after they released you, you went into a coma for 7 hours" John says.

"I've been out for...13 hours?"

He nods.

"Where are the others? What happened?"

"You don't remember?" His eyes widen a bit.

I furrow my eyebrows "remember wha--"

Then everything replays in my mind, and I sit up quickly groaning of the pain in my hip. "Justin. . ." I whisper and look around frankly, eyes wide and my memories controlling me if that's even possible.

"Is he okay? Are the others okay? Zac? Emily and Lucy... are you okay?"

"We're fine. We've been checked on. But the major hits where on you and Justin"


"Selen-" John starts but I race him and flip my legs out and attempt to stand.

"Woah. Where do you think you're going!?" He yells.

"Justin. Where is he? Is he okay?" I stare at John waiting for him to tell me anything. Literally I'll except anything. "I remember john. He was hit bad, and Alec he-he... where is he?! Take me to him please!"

"Um...he..he's--" he hesitates. "Well, he's okay.. kinda.."

"John.." I whisper worry blinding me. Or are those my tears?

I start to shake my head " take me to him"

"I can--"

"NOW!!! I WANNA SEE HIM!! JUSTIN!!" I push John and grab my IV stand and pull my self up dragging the pole with me when I manage to force my legs to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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