March to the Door

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The concert was going great! You were so lucky to have snatched those last minute tickets from your favorite radio station, Alt. Nation. 

"THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!" the crowd yells, as Patrick points his mic. outward.


You and Nina are dancing and jumping and singing when suddenly, the music stops. The lights all turn to face a floating figure in the air. You see a man in a blue mask, stained with blood. He has on an old, red robe that is burned and obviously very worn. His hands are covered by gloves that look like bones. He points to the stage.

"You scoundrels make hideous music. Let all these teens perish and let them know true suffering," he says in a raspy voice, his eyes, a dull red. "Better yet, tell them in your music how stupid and ugly they are, you've poisoned their minds with thoughts that can only exist in their wildest dreams. Hopefully they're smart enough to know the truth, though I doubt it." 

You see many people hang their heads in shame. 

"STOP," yells Tyler, "who are you?"

"Only your worst nightmare, Tyler Joseph," he smiles with a devious grin, "You know me, you all know me very well. I am the reason that you are here, and now, I have come to destroy my creation!"

"RUN!" Yells Brendon.

You and Nina try to run, but since you were in the pit, it was hard to get around. People started pouring towards the doors as the masked man releases two vines from his sleeves. He starts picking off people one by one, grabbing them and throwing them to the other side of the room. You could asume that many people, were dead. Suddenly, the masked man grabs Gerard.

"GERARD!!!" Frank yells. You see him jump up with his guitar and start smashing the vine with it until it lets go of him. Gerard falls to the floor. 

"Y/N!" Nina yells.

"Here!" you respond. 

Almost everyone had escaped when the doors shut. The only people left were you, Nina, the bands, and about three other people. The man easily kills the three others. You gulp and say to Nina, "Thanks for the Memories," as you put your arms infront of your face. You sit there for a while and nothing happens. 

"Well aren't you gonna kill us?" Nina asks the masked man.

"I was going to but you guys seem too....amusing. I'd like to confront you all in a war. A last battle. But not here, no. You must figure out my puzzles and survive to get to the last battle, then I will truly know if you are worthy to fight me."

"You're not even worthy enough to fight an ant," you mumble to Nina. She giggles back. 

"You have two weeks to have a chance to fight me. If you do not face me in the given time, I will kill you painfully and slowly. Your two weeks starts now. GO!" he says, as he disappears in a cloud of blue dust.

"Well," you say, "we're trapped in a room by a guy in a mask with the four greatest emo bands ever. This is either a dream, or a nightmare." 

You hear Gerard giggle at your comment. You turn to the bands. 

"If we're going to be trapped in a room together, I'm Y/N, and this is Nina."

"I guess you already know who we are," says Ray.

"Yup," you answer back.

"So how do we escape?" asks Gerard.

"I don't kn-" you start to say, when Nina interrupts you.

"Look at this," she says.

You look up at the wall at some writing. You read it aloud,

"Here I have some clues for you

Of facts you've learned

Of things you knew.

Members cannot answer these

And only fans can set you free," you finish.

"So it's band trivia," concludes Nina.


"But we can't answer," says Brendon.

"I think we've got it under control, right Nina?" 

"Yup,"she answers.

"Remember when we used to do all those online quizzes about bands at your house?"

"Of course. You'd always get 100% on the ones about Tyler Joseph."

"Stalker," responded Tyler.

"Tyler, we're in the bandom, all we do is find out everything about you guys. That's kind of what a fandom is."

"Ok, let's stop stalling," says Nina.

"Right," you say, "let's do some band trivia."

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora