Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow, everybody hide

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A cool, white hand covered my mouth. It was dry and cracked, as if it had stayed in the sun just too long. I knew that any form of worry or struggle would just make it worse, but who follows that logic? .

I kicked aimlessly until my heel planted itself ln the Drac's shin. It's hand loosened for just a moment from the shock. I took the opportunity and called out the first name that came to my head.


A sharp, stinging pain shot up my shoulder. I saw Alex's head whip around before everything was sucked into itself.


I awoke in some retail store, everyone standing over me, their eyes curious and concerned.

"(Y/n)" nina squeaked, "guys, she's up,  she's up."

From further inspection I found that the group had made me a make shift bed out of the clothes at the store. I tried sitting up but my shoulder had other plans. I grunted and layed down again, my head beginning to thud violently in my head. Frank bent down.

"Here," he said, handing me a cup of water, "you should drink something, you've been out for two days."

"R-really?" I asked,  my voice hoarse.

"Yeah, we were really concerned"

Tyler handed me an apple, "this is the only healthy thing we could find. When you're ready we should get a move on."

"Give her a break," said Josh, shoving him out of the way. This mission was taking a toll on all of us.

I finally had the will to stand up. I walked over to the windowsill and stared out. Maybe Pete was right, who did we think we were? My shoulders slumped at the thought.

"We need to get going," said Alex, "it's dangerous to stay in one place too long."

"Alex, what are we doing? Pete was right, we're hopeless."

Alex rested a hand on my shoulder, "there's no use in not trying. Besides, there are so many of us. We'll be okay, I promise."

"Hey, y/n," kellin asked,  "what's that on your shoulder?"

I placed my hand on my left shoulder where I felt a paper. I took it off to find an envelope. Everyone circled around me as I took out a small note.
"You thought this game was easy
And with that you are mistaken
Let's see how simple this game gets
When one of you is taken."

"What does that mean?"

"OH MY GOD PETE," Patrick yelled. Pete began fading into the floor. "PATRICK, HELP ME!" he pleaded, as his body had almost dissapeared completely. Patrick tried to reach out his hand but it passed right through him. "Pete, keep fighting, keep fighting," Patrick's eyes were red. "I love you, patrick." Pete whsipered,  until all that was left was what we remembered.

"NO!" patrick sobbed, "this isn't real, not real, not real. Just wake up already, Patrick." 

Patrick walked to the other side of the store, tears streaming down his face. "I almost lost you once, now you're gone."

I turned to everyone. "This game isn't going to be as fair as we thought."

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now