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"Oh shit,"says Gerard, as the mutant starts running up the steps parallel to the escalator.

"Got 'em," shouts the scarecrow, taking out his gun and aiming it right in between mikey's eyes.

"DUCK!"you yell, as you knock Mikey's head to the side.

"I've always wanted to do this," you say, starting to run up the down moving escalator.

"That's not gonna work," laughs Gerard.

"I'd like to see you do better."

Gerard sighs, now also trying to run up the the moving steps.

You start taking long strides up the escalator, the work it took to run up extremely surprising. Finally, you get to the top, catching your breath. Gerard, Mikey, and Tyler are up there too, with the rest at the bottom currently beating up the scarecrows. You look around and see a kitchen shop right behind you.

"Be right back," you yell, bolting into the store.

You look around at the signs.

"Placemats, no. Tablecloths, no. Blenders, no. Ah, there, knives."

You grab a handful of sharp steak knives and run out of the store. There in front of you you see Gerard beating up a scarecrow while Tyler pushes one down the escalator.

"Here, take these," you say, handing them each the silver blade.

You go to the thin glass wall at the edge of floor two.

"Patrick, DUCK!" You yell. The small fedora man looks at you curiously but quickly leaps to the side.

"Here goes nothing," you whisper, flinging one of the knives at the scarecrow. It's a perfect hit and the beast falls dead on the floor, a knife in his head.

"Nice shot," praises Gerard, patting you on the back.

"Thanks, Party Poison."

"We're killjoys now?"

"We're fighting scarecrows, are we not?"

"I guess."

You laugh and fling another knife down to the ground, this one getting lodged in a scarecow's knee. It shrieks in pain and falls to the floor, digging the knife in even more. Blood starts gushing out of the wound, and the beast falls. Not dead, but not able to do much harm.

With one last punch Andy knocks the last one out as it's head collides loudly with the glossy floor.

"That was..... eventful," you smile, "took up some time though."

"Well, let-" starts Joe as Patrick interrupts him.

"That one's still alive!"

You look down to see the one with the knife in its knee still slightly breathing.

"Maybe we can save it!" Yells Patrick with a little too much enthusiasm, typical 'Trick.

"I guess we better go down there," says Gerard, his red hair falling over his face, a great contrast do his ghostly skin.

You get on the escalator and go down, listening to the constant pound as the steps move down, each second bringing the ground closer.

When you finally reach the bottom, you see Patrick leaning over the scarecrow, examining it. The rest of the guys are off doing their own thing. Pete's wiping is sweat soaked face with his sleeve, obviously tired from the battle. Andy is stretching, Joe, Ray and Frank are looking at stores, while the rest of you sit down, breathing deeply. Except for Josh, he's on his phone, along with Tyler. They were probably texting, each other.

You walk over to medic Patrick as he studies his patient.

"Do you know who it is," you ask, as Patrick shakes his head.

"There's no way to tell, unless of course we take off the mask."

"That's dangerous, they could die."

"It's not like we have much of a choice, they're gonna die anyway. It's possible we could save them," responds Patrick, running his fingers across his chin.

"It's worth a shot."

"Here goes nothing," mutters Patrick, as he slowly the on the mask.


Sitting in front of you, unconscious with a bleeding lip, is Jack Barakat.

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now