"maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year."

165 9 16

Oh my god
Oh my god
Jack fucking Barakat.

Chill out y/n, chill out y/n, it's just Jack Barakat.

"Oh my god," you mutter, utter shock on your face.
How did Jack Barakat from All time low get here?

"Is he alive?"

Patrick puts his ear to Jack's chest (Jatrick) and shoots you a thumbs up.


"He should wake up soon."

"I wonder who else survived?"

Patrick sighs, "I don't think too many."

You think about all the band members who might not be here anymore. All the band members who saved your life. The only ones to ever say "I love you." The only ones who were there at three in the morning when a knife seemed so pure, you couldn't leave them behind.

"Ugh, fuck you light," says a voice behind you. You turn to see a half asleep Jack Barakat flicking the finger towards the glass dome above. Oh Jack. Even when he wasn't awake he still flicked things off.

"He lives!" Yells Patrick.

Jack opens his eyes and just kind of stares for a while.

"Hey Jackie boy," laughs Patrick and Jack's clueless expression.

"I know what'll get him up," you say.

Cupping your hands around your mouth you scream into the glass hallways, "JALEX IS REAL!!!!"

"YOU FUCKER!" Yells Jack, jumping up from his half dead position and starting to chase you.

You fling out one of those stake knives from the battle before. Jack immediately skids to a stop.

"You were saying," you say, bringing the life up like your about to sever off his head.

"You dick," he mutters.

"You smaller dick!"

"Burn!" Says Brendon behind you.

Jack laughs, "nice one.... er"

"Y/n, my name is y/n."

"Cool, I'm-"

"I know who you are, Jack Barakat from all time low."

"Correctamundo!" Laughs Jack.

"So, is there anyone else?"

You mentally crossed your fingers, awaiting the response. Your heart and soul were on the line.

"Alex is, and kellin (a/n it just tried to autocorrect that to smelling XD) quinn from-"

"I know, sleeping with sirens. Anyone else?"

"Chill out dude, yeah, Travis Hawley and we're currently trying to find Rian and Zach."

"Cool, so where are Alex, Kellin, and Travis?"

"They're somewhere, I don't remember anything after becoming a scarecrow."

"Do you have their numbers?"

"I have Alex's."

"Good enough! Pick up your phone (a/n ANSWER YOUR TEXTS!)"

Jack takes out his phone and dials a number.

"Hey, Alex!"

"I'm fine man."

"Some other bands and two fans."

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now