When the world ends, will WE go down with it?

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Travis was dead. There was no doubt. We all just kind of stood there after we saw,  and if our muscles would move our jaws would have been on the floor, but none of us had any thing left in us.

I didn't even realize I was gripping Alex's side from the shock, but he smiled and put his arm protectively around my shoulders.

That was an hour ago. We were now lost, wandering the streets of the city, isolated, even from each other. The only sounds were the coughs the smoke caused us. Steady flames sat on corners most of them almost dead. After they burned each corpse there was no where left to go. Pete was the first to give way.

"Guys, I cant keep going on like this," He collapsed on the ground,  the wet puddles dampening his clothes, "whats even the plan to beat this guy? We know nothing about who he is, his strengths, his weaknesses. We know NOTHING! yet we think we're some magical chosen heroes."

Patrick crouched down next to Pete, nodding for the rest of the group to step away. He started muttering things in pete's ear, most too low to undertsand. I began fiddling with my fingers, a wave of panic beginning to take shape. I started straying away from the group. That, was my first mistake.

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