The Real Life Quotev Quiz

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"Ok, first question," says NinA, as she reads the dark letters on one of the archways in the room.

"Come on fans, don't fail us now," whispers Andy.

Nina continues, "The band Twenty One Pilots originally consisted of 3 members, one of which is still in the band today. Which is still in the band, and who were the two older members?"

"You know the first part," you say to NinA.

"Ya, Tyler Joseph."

"Along with Nick Thomas and Chris Salih," you say.

The hard, stone door opens to reveal a dark passage.

"Now entering, The Black Parade," you say. Nina laughs at your comment.

You guys walk down the hall for around 3 minutes, when the passage splits into three ways, each blocked by a door with a sentence.

Gerard reads the phrase on the left.

"Brendon Urie was born November 2nd, 1987."

Josh reads the next one.

"The fourth studio album by fall out boy means 'love of two,"he reads.

"No," you say.

Patrick reads the final one,

"International MCR day is July 23, celebrating the release of their first album."

"This must be a test," says NinA, "Only one is correct."

"Well," you say, "Brendon was born April 12th, so that's incorrect."

Nina continues,

"Folie a deux means Madness of Two, so that's incorrect."

"And we all know that MCR day is my favorite holiday, so I would know the date," you say, " MCR day is July 23 to celebrate their first album, I Brought you My Bullets, you Brought me your Love."

The door opens. It continues on for a while like this, with questions including, birthdays, album release dates, and lyrics. Honestly it felt more like a Quotev or Buzzfeed quiz than an escape, and you were enjoying yourself. Just doing band trivia, while hanging WITH the bands, what could be better? 

Many of the members were surprised by your knowledge.

"Believe it or not," you say, "There are people who are more obsessed than me, this is just the tip of the iceberg."

That wasn't entirely true, you did know your stuff, like you knew who Spencer and Sfen were. (TOP fans will get the reference)  And some other things that casual fans wouldn't know. You took pride in your knowledge, and we're not afraid to show it to the world. 

You must've been in there for about two hours, when you started getting hungry.

"Anyone want something to eat?" You say.

"I'm hungry, but we don't have enough food," says Gerard.

"It's ok, I always over-prepare," you say.

You all sit down and start eating pretzels, chips, and all the other junk you packed in your bag while discussing music. 

"What kind of music is on your playlist?" Asks Joe.

You put your phone to shuffle play and the first song that comes on is Novacaine, then Not Today, then Migraine, then Mama, and then This is Gospel.

"Sooo, that," you say. Joe laughs.

You guys also start discussing your favorite songs. Before anyone asks the 'what's your favorite song?'  question, you needed to make one thing clear.

"I am not deciding between one song. I categorize my songs because they're so different. For example, my favorite emotional song by twenty one pilots is truce, the song that gets me happy by them is Slowtown, the song that makes me think the most is March to the sea, and my favorite overall song is Heavydirtysoul. Get it?"

"Ya, I get it," says Frank, "So what's your favorite emotional song by us?"

"Disenchanted," you say. 

You guys eventually pack up and go and continue. This was going to be a fun mission.

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