heartache of another record

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South street music shop. Home of the Picasso painted ukuleles and wooden croaking frogs. Where my brother's used guitar was fixed each week, because $60 is such a good price, even if it was the most acrid mustard color. This shop held a lot of memories, and if you've been following this story for long enough you know there might be some writing in italics now describing some time I was here. Not this time.

In the very front, when you first walk in, there are two used amazon boxes, now stuffed to brim with old records. I shouldn't say just old records, it's all records. From Jawbreaker to the Artic monkeys, Taylor Swift to Cream. I grabbed them all. I had a makeshift plan of what to do with them, and I promise to anyone who had a sense of fun adventure while reading, you won't appreciate it. Music makes you do odd stuff. Pretty odd stuff indeed.

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