apparently the title is too short. fuck you wattpad what if i'm fall out boy

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(Read the title. I'm very proud of it)

You could say it was wet, but that would be an understatement. At least a foot of rain was outside. Puddles formed into ponds, ponds into lakes, and so on. Great. Just great. Thank you for being so helpful, world. Whoo!!1!1! Gotta love the world.

I was the first one awake, and you might think the next sentence would be, "the sun shined warmly through the window," but that wasn't so. No. It was gloomy, dark, depressing, and just overall bleh. Yup, that was the word, bleh. Bleh, bleh, bleh. Bleh.

I stretched, extending my arms and scratching my shoulder. I climbed down and went to one of the backpacks we had filled with food. I took out a bacon, egg, and cheese from the bag and unwrapped it, sitting down on the counter that looked out to the street. I took a bite of the sandwich, savoring the taste while looking across the street at the clothing store.

Ew. They had horrid clothes there. Ugly preppy pink dresses and 4 year old t-shirts with some popular child's tv show. Not anything good.

"Hey," I jumped as I heard a voice behind me. Patrick sat on the counter next to me, taking a bite of an Apple, some of the juice rolling down his chin. "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay," I respond, not adding in the fact that it was because I felt secure with them, that would just make it awkward.

"Good. I wish I could say the same about Pete."

"What happened with him?"

"I woke up at three and he was still up, muttering something to himself."

"Probably some more of his emo ass poetry," I laughed, but Patrick didn't find it funny. "Sorry."

"It's fine, y/n. It's just, when you know Pete as well as I do, you learn to be concerned about what his mind thinks." Patrick replies in a defeated tone.

"I'm sorry listening to our bands has caused you so much trouble. The poor fans didn't know the danger."

"It's not your fault Patrick, we chose this music. Don't apologise, we're happy to help you. You've saved many of us so many times before, the least we could do is return the favor. Honestly, I know they all died, proud to be a fan of such amazing music. I could die right now and be satisfied."

"Thanks y/n, it really means a lot."

"Any time, 'trick." He laughs at the nickname.

"I have an idea," you say, "to prank the others."

"Ohhhh, tell me more," says Patrick in an exaggerated voice, cupping his chin in his hands and looking intently at me.

"Okay mister stump, you might have to step out of your innocent bunny comfort zone. Are you up for the challenge?"

"Yes, my Lord," he says in a knightly voice, which makes us both laugh.

"Okay, here's the plan......."


Not even twenty minutes later the voice of the mighty gerard way echoed through the shop.


In case you missed it Patrick and I had placed whipped cream on everyone's faces. SAVAGE!!!!11!1!

But there a downside. We were now being chased by one of the most vicious animals ever discovered. They are so dangerous, no zoo has them. This creature, was a wild Gerard Way. The only creature that could ever match it was a Pete Wentz without pizza, another deadly creature. Maybe the scarecrows weren't so bad.

"I'm sorry," I cower, laughing. Gerard is laughing too.

"We're gonna play that game, huh?"

Next thing I know, Gerard is spraying whipped cream all over me. It was no longer a question of "where was it?" It was "where was it not?" It covered my eyes, nose, shirt, even my fuzzy Levi's.

"Oh my god Gerard, you're dead."

"I don't know about that, missy." He smirks, yet I can see he's trying to hold back a laugh. Then he does that thing we've all secretly wanted to do, he sprays the rest of the can into his mouth.

"Bitch," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"The bitchiest bitch."

After that I couldn't help but quote emo bands on crack.

"Hey hey hey, I'm Gerard Way Way," I say, laughing.

"What?" He responds.

"Nothing." He gives me a questioning look.

"Okay. Should we wake the others?"

"Yeah but I don't want to be attacked again by angry band members."

"Don't worry, I got your back."

What followed that was world war three, y/ n and Gerard vs. angry band members.

Now, I'd like you to imaging the messiest room possible. Got it? Now multiply it by 10. That's how crazy this place was after. Whipped cream lined the walls and cookie dough was splattered everywhere thanks to Mikey's cookie dough catapult. I'm sure everyone was thrilled we were the ones who could save the world. Honestly, how much better can you get then us? *cough cough* a lot. Sorry in advance.

"Well," says Patrick, out of breath, "where to now?"

"We should find Travis, and then maybe practice some fighting or something. I don't know how we're going to face him." Answers Gerard, obvious concern in his voice.

"Yeah," responds kellin, stepping up to us, "are we supposed to be like magic or something.....?"

"I don't know, but we're gonna make it. Through thick and thin we've prevailed. We'll do it again."


We started walking, following where Travis had told us we were going. A store called Goldberg's had camping and hiking equipment, perfect for this job.

We walked up the dark streets, the creaky signs creating the perfect setting for a horror movie. It reminded me of Pete Wentz's Gray. With the broken streets and abandoned sidewalks, I could really feel it now. I turned my head to see him, and I could tell he was thinking the same thing. I saw him take out his bottle of Ativan, tossing a pill into his mouth and squinting at the taste. I frowned, but turned around, continuing up the pavement. We then reached Goldberg's. They had sweatshirts and and hats in the window, along with duffel bags and boots. This should help us. We stepped inside, expecting to see Travis stocking up on gear, but that's not what we saw.

No. All that was here, was a long line of blood drops leading right to the storage closet..

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now