The End

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Dearest Readers,

Emo and the escape will not continue. I'm sorry for not coming to terms with that sooner.

I wrote the first chapter of this book at 11 at night on my top bunk, my cousin playing Alto's adventure on the bottom. I had recently started reading fanfiction and wanted to try a hit at it. The first chapter was made in roughly thirty minutes, where I inserted my actual friend Nina into it. It is terrible, cringy, and everything in between, but I loved it. So I wrote more. I wrote about more characters that I couldn't even count so at times I would not be telling what 10 "essential" people were even doing. Yet, it was fun. I had no outline or real plot in mind, I just kind of wrote what I wanted. These bands came to me in a time of personal crisis, so I decided if they could save the world from bad music, they could save me too.

Over time with no new music and good fanfics or magazines, they all kind of... faded for me. I had rewatched Tyler Joseph and his sassiness to the point where I could quote every line he had ever spoken in those videos. I had read all the AU's and smuts and angst fics. But most of all, the band community (mostly the clique) reminded me of one person who changed my life. That person is talked about more in an earlier chapter, but all in all she degraded my mental health to nothing. I had no two legs to stand on when I was with her, and while I thought she was making me happy, it was a false one. I didn't see what she was doing until I could no longer smile when thinking about her. It was the darkest time in my short life.

Those bands did help me during that time, but that means they remind me of it, and I have no desire to ever go back.

So, where does that leave this story? Well, I don't connect with the bands or music that much anymore. They were a huge part of my life, and I would not be the same without them. Yet, we all must grow up. I don't have the obsession I used to. Like all phases, it came in a strong wave, and left, leaving little explanation as to its use. And I'm in a phase right now. It will stick around for a while, and leave. I used to not accept this. I thought these bands would be my favorite thing for the rest of my life, like how I was little I imagined myself being twenty still chasing my imaginary friends. I didn't want it to be a phase. I wanted them to be my permanent identity; but they're not, and I can see that now.

As Emo and the Escape grew in popularity, I realized people wanted to read my writing. I was bringing happiness by making it. I credit this book 100% to my passion for writing now, as it drove me to make better and better content. Emo and the Escape is by no means a good book. The writing is awful, the plot is messy, and the characters are as bland as they come, but it MEANT something to people, so I tried to make it continue. I didn't want to end it because I know the heartache of when your favorite fic just stops in the middle. Yet, if I force myself to continue this rollercoaster, it won't end how you all want it. I write better when I care about what I'm writing and, to be honest, I don't have that tenderness towards this book anymore. 

As for how it would have ended, you would have saved the day. Imagine the most fun and action packed way of saving the world. That's how it ends. How you want it to. Yours is probably a million times better than my messy ending that I STILL don't know. So have fun with that ending. If you would like to send me how your perfect Emo and the Escape would have ended, I will put it into this book. 

My writing continues in many other places, and right now my main project is a book on here called North. It is a Destiel fanfic though I don't think you need to know the show to understand the book, as it is really only the same characters. Have fun with it.

Every read on here boosted my confidence, and I'm a proud writer today because of all of you. I love every single person who is reading this so so much, and I wish you the best in all you do. Please, keep loving what and who you love, just make sure one thing doesn't take over your life. Let go. You need to let go. 

Thank you for sharing the journey with me, and here's to many more,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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