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As you guys walked into town, something definitely stood out to you, there were no people. Occasionally, there were a few littered bodies on the ground, but none were alive. 

"What has this man done?" You whisper. NinA hugs you.

"So much destruction in such little time," adds Mikey.

"How long has it been?"

"It was morning when we came out of the stadium, so maybe around 9"

"Does anyone want to rest?"

"Me," everyone replies.

"Where should we stay?"

"If there was water surrounding the stadium, that means our trailers are probably submerged, so not there," says Patrick.

"We can all crash at my place," you say.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine, though it's a little bit of a walk."

 You guys continue on walking for around 20 minutes when you reach Marconi Park. Everyone's legs are tired so you guys stop and rest at one of the benches in the park to discuss your plan.

 "Okay," says Brendon, clearly already having a plan in his head, "we sleep at Y/N's until tonight, then we walk to liberty place and get only the things we need. What do they have there, Y/N?"

"Well," you say, " there's a bunch of clothes stores so we can get almost anything there and then there's also food court so we can get junk food, I guess."

"Cool," says Brendon, "Let's go."

 Marconi is a fairly local park to your house so it takes only about five minutes to get there. Once you arrive you guys set up sleeping arrangements with you on the top bunk, NinA  in the bottom, two people on the couch, a few people on the air mattress, two guys on the trundle beds, and two guys on the queen bed. It was about 8:30 or nine when you guys finally woke up. You stretched, changed into a panic at the disco shirt, and put on black shorts before waking up Nina. 

" Get up sleepyhead, we have to go," she moans and turns over. "Wake up, you need to make money," you say, hoping to get her up.

"Wish we could turn back time," she says, finally.

She gets up and puts on white bunny shirt, (NinA loves bunny's) and you two go downstairs. As you're walking down, you see Tyler and Josh playing a serious game of Mario kart on the Xbox. 

" Whoa, how long have you guys been up?"

" Since like, seven. It's final-round, winner of this is the ultimate champion and gets $20 from the loser," explains Josh.

"Cool," you say, flopping yourself down on the couch, deciding in your mind who you think will win.

On the final stretch, Ty bumps Josh, sending him off course and spinning away as he passes the finish line.

"Boom! Ha ha! 20$ pay it up!"


Tyler's loud victory scream woke everyone else up.

"Ugh, come on guys, I was having an awesome dream," moans Gerard has he comes down the steps, his hair, a birds nest.

"Me too," mumbles Mikey.

"Great bro's dream alike," you say.

Gerard puts on a half smile with Mikey keeping on his forever poker face.

After everyone walks down you guys decide on Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast. When arriving, you find that there's no one there. The floor is littered with plastic cups, spilled drinks, and half eaten donuts. The masked man had destroyed everything.

"Free buffet," says Brendon, "Let's eat!"

You started eating donuts, bagels and whatever other breakfast food you find a Dunkin' Donuts, you also start drinking all the drinks, Gerard geting all the coffee of course.

"The world should be at the brink of destruction more often, free coffee."

"Gerard, if the world run you're way, it would have already been destroyed now." You say.

"Ha, G, you know it's true," Mikey smirks. 

"Whatever," says Gerard, rolling his eyes, "Coffee is life."

You all stuff donuts and other food into your bags for the road. The walk to liberty place was pretty long so you made sure to pack something to do for fun. You decided on a mad libs. From the Dunkin' you start the long trek. First passing by the numerous shopping centers lined on the right, then crossing the semi-highway intersection, finally starting towards center city. So maybe it was nice that you get free things from this experience, but it also meant no public transportation. You get bored and started the Mad Libs. (A/N: I actually copied a real Mad Libs for this)

"Ok, adjective," you say.

"Ugly," responds Brendon.

"Person in room."

"Me," answers Tyler.

"Other person in room."












"Ok, here it is. ' You are invited to the ugly wedding of Tyler and Pete'," you can barely get the words out because you're cracking up so hard. " 'Make sure to dress depressingly for the wedding will be very stupid. We will cut the gourmet dog with the finest pot giving a delectable flavor. No need for a gift, although if it pleases you a gift would be very mean.'"

"Ha, Tyler and Pete are getting married!!"😂😂 jokes Brendon.

"PYLER!!!!!" You scream out.

"Oh no you don't," says Tyler, as he tackles you to the ground.

"Ya," NinA jokes, "You know Tyler and Josh belong together!"

"Ok, you know what, let's just end it there,please?" Says Josh.

"Don't want the secret getting out," you say, trying to hold back a smile.


For the rest of the time, you walk down the street in silence, with only a few sounds barely heard. The beating of your guys feet on the pavement, the steady moan of the air conditioner and the occasional drip that falls from them, but most of all, it was the view that stood out the most. Bodies littered the ground, some looking like mere piles of ashes. You choked back tears for all the innocent lives that have died that day. Whoever this man was, he was going to pay for all the pain and suffering he had caused. As you continue to walk, one body stands out to you that's not burnt, then you see, it's your best friend, Hazel.

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now