Make a Wish When Your Childhood Dies

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A/N: so for anyone who doesn't know the building on the front of the picture is liberty place and the top parts are offices and then at the bottom (which is not visible in the picture) has a little mall. There's also an observation deck at the top.

You and NinA both run over to the unconscious body on the ground.


"Huh," she whispers rolling over, her eyes barely open.

"It's us, can you tell us what happened?"

"I-I was j-just walking when a m-masked man came and k-killed almost everyone."

"Are you hurt?"


"Good," you said, as you heaved her up.

"Who's that?" She asks, pointing to Gerard.

"That's Gerard Way."

"Oh, he's that person from one of your bands, right?"

"Lead singer of MCR."

"Cool, and who are the rest of them?"

"The emo quartet. Long story short, that masked man has killed almost everyone in the city and has challenged all of us to a final battle in 2 weeks. We need to prepare to defeat him, you can stick with us if you want."

"Sure, so can you tell me who everyone is?"

"Yup, so can fall out boy step up? So the man in the fedora is Patrick, the one with the tattoos is Andy, the more emo looking one is Pete, and the other is Joe. Can MCR please step up? Ok so the one with the red hair is Gerard, that's his brother,Mikey, queen fro-fro is Ray, and the one who is almost your height is Frank. Panic! is just Brendon, so big forehead= Brendon. And last but not least, the dude in the SNAPBACK is Josh, and the one with the skeleton hoodie is Tyler, got it?"

"Are there name tags or anything......?"

You stifle a laugh, "we can arrange it."

"Nice to meet you, Hazel," says Tyler, putting out his hand.

"You too, Tyler. Y/N won't shut up about all you guys."

You laugh, it was true.

"So, should we continue now?" Asks Tyler.

"Yes, let's go."

"Where are we going?" Asks Hazel.

"To liberty place, we need to prepare."

"Ok, let's go."

You were only about 2 blocks from liberty place so you got there quickly. 

"After you," says Brendon, opening the door.

"Thank you," you say, walking in.

In front of you is an abandoned coffee shop, and down the hall you see numerous food shops.

"Come on guys, let's go look around." 

(A/N: I'm going to change the stores in liberty place because I can and there's no hot topic)

Coming down the hall you see a laundromat, a dunkin' Donuts, and some dress store. No. You then step into the main part of the mall, sunlight shining down on you guys from the glass roof. Stores to your left, a staircase to your right, and another hall in front.

"Hey look, a Hot Topic," says Gerard, pointing his finger to a completely deserted black store.

"Cool, let's go," you say.

Immediately after entering, your rush to the back of the store with all the band t-shirts (because who doesn't?) You grab some BVB shirts, some PTV, SWS, ATL, FOB, MCR, TOP and P!ATD. You see the rest of them grabbing  shirts from their own bands, and each other's. 

"Hey Gerard," asks Patrick, "should I get a Danger Days shirt or a Black Parade?"

"Well, the black parade was pretty great, so that one."

"I guess we don't pay, right?" Asks Tyler.

"Guess not," you say, snatching some beanies and bracelets off the wall. 

"Well, let's go," says Ray, eyeing the food court at the other end of the mall.

"Where's Pete?" Asks Patrick. "Pete!?" his voice frantic.

You step outside of heaven and call, "PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ III, come here RIGHT NOW!! Your boyfriend is concerned!"

"Oh you did not just...." starts Patrick

"Oh yes I did," you say, getting an 'I'll get you later' look from Patrick.

"I'm over here!" You here someone yell. You see very emo looking man with fresh eyeliner on come out of a makeup shop. "Oh Lord, Pete," you say, as he struggles to clutch the numerous bottles of pitch black eyeliner clutched in his hands.

"Can I take one of those?" Asks G.

"Sure," Pete sighs, handing G a bottle.

"Thanks Pete"

You all move from store to store, getting food, clothes, and whatever else you might need on and adventure mission.

While at burger king you go onto youtube on your phone. 

"Hey NinA look, twenty one pilots funny and cute moments 33 just came out."


NinA scrambles over to your side of the table and you both watch the videos. You giggled a lot and occasionally laughed.

"Excuse me, WHAT did you say that was called?" Asks Tyler.

"Twenty one pilots funny and cute moments 33"

"That's a thing?"

"You'd be suprised 'whats a thing'"

"Ya," answers NinA, "like Tyler Joseph and his sassiness parts 1-3"

"Or Josh Dun singing parts 1-3"

"Ok, we get the idea," says Josh, obviously uncomfortable with the idea of him singing.

"Or emo bands on crack....."



"Excuse me, what?" Asks Frank, obviously very confused.

"Emo bands on crack, it's hard to explain, but it's pretty much just songs and band humor mixed with vines, memes, and other whatnot to make a hysterical video. It's sometimes even put into a try not to laugh challenge, and let me tell you, those are impossible."

"Ok," says Gerard, "just to clarify, we're not on crack, we're not that funny or cute,-"


"And we need to go."

"Fine," you huff, a fake pout on your face.

"They are SO funny and cute," NinA whispers in your ear.


You finally finish up in the mall and you all crowd onto the escalator going down. While on the machine, you look down. There you see a person in a white coat, white pants, and white gloves. Their face is covered in a white mask resembling some monster vampire mutant.

"Oh no," you mutter,


A/N: *Admit it, most of us watch emo bands on crack. Comment if you do, hopefully I'm not the only one* 

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now