i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth

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PLEASE READ: There will be a slight change in the writing. Writing as "you" and "you're" just got a little annoying. Instead it will now be in first person perspective but in your point of view. Sorry if this confuses you.

We had left the building quickly, our determined footsteps leaving dirt marks on the shiny mall floor. We were now one force, and no one was going to stop us. Not even with the mightiest sword or the strongest gun could you ever destroy the hearts that had been bonded together in the past few days.

"I smell COOKIES!" Jack yelled excitedly, bolting towards the small store on the corner.

"Hey wait up," says Brendon, licking his lips. Gosh these dudes were dorks. I wonder why we all love them so much. Because they were the most loveable dorks. I laughed a bit. The most loveable dorks of them all.

"ALEX! OMG HI ALEX!" I hear from the shop. I guess they found Alex. Jack comes rushing out of the store.


"Really, Jack?," mutters Patrick in a sarcastic tone. Obviously Jack didn't catch on.

"YES, REALLY!!!!!! COME SEE, COME SEE," he says, yanking Patrick's wrists towards the door. Patrick mouths a silent "help me" as he's pulled in by the overly excited Jack Barakat.

I laugh a bit and start to follow. Suddenly a man with brown hair slung over one eye and a red beanie steps out of the shop. Alex.

I slide over to NinA, "NinA, it's ALEX GASKARTH," I whisper.

"I know, chill out."

"How can you chill out at a time like this?"

"It's just alex gaskarth."

"He saved my life."

"Well then go tell him."

"Er.... I don't know...."

"Go!" She says, shoving me towards him.

He looks at me and smiles. His eyes are worn and tired yet still joyous from the reunion with his band mates. His red plaid shirt is unbuttoned and one of the laces of his vans is untied. He was a mess, yet he was happy.

"You must be on of the fans, eh?"


"Well it's great to meet you! I'm alex."

"I'm y/n."

"Great to meet you y/n. You seem to have something on your mind."

"Well.... um.... thank you."

"Your welcome, but for what?"

"For, uh, saving my life. Missing you helped me through everything."

"Well there's no reason to thank me, I'm just trying to help kids out."

"Well it worked. I've made some great friends through your band, a-and your music stopped me from doing anything that I might regret later."

I could see that he understood what that meant and he smiled a bit, opening his arms, offering a hug.

"You need one?"

I sighed, "yeah."

I was engulfed in a hug. Closing my eyes as my heart beat a million times faster. This is what I had dreamed about for so long, just a hug.

"Thank you, Alex."

"What I'm here for."

We untangled our arms and I heard NinA behind us, cheering.

"WHOOO! Told you you could do it, y/n"

I laughed, "thanks NinA"

"You're Nina?"

"Last time I checked." That made alex laugh.

"Heyo." I see kellin come out with a cookie in hand, gnawing away at the chocolate chips.

"Who's that," whispers NinA.

"That's kellin quinn from sleeping with sirens."

"Ohh. I see."

"I thought Travis was here too..."

"He went to go find some more things. Clothes, sleeping bags, pillows, you know." Alex explains.

"Things more useful than cookies?"

"HEY! dese cookius are guud." Kellin says, though the words are barely comprehensible through his mouth stuffed with cookie.

"We better get moving," says Gerard, glancing at the sky, "rain's coming."

"Thanks captain Way."

Everyone laughs at that.

"But seriously, Gee has a point." Counters Tyler.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

And he ended up being right. Just five minutes later the first drops of a storm started falling, smacking the leaves less violently than it sounded. We were stuck in the small bakery, 17 people, all cold and tired. We couldn't worry about Travis now, he probably found a shelter somewhere.

In the distance a dog barked, one of the last life forms here. It was sad. We were the only ones left. Fear was the main thing. Blurryface was not kind, but I felt safe here. I climbed on top of the fridge, where I curled up like a cat and could watch the rest of the place.

I was among the people that had saved my life, both physically and emotionally. There was already a sense of family in this group. A sense of "you're not alone, no matter what."

We were a pack now, each member significant to our survival. I shuddered a bit, watching my visible breath drift across the room. Nina and hazel were sleeping in the door way, kellin on the counter, Frank and Gerard soaking up the last heat from the oven, all of fall out boy propped against the wall, Tyler on the windowsill, Josh on the opposite, Brendon leaning on the fridge, Mikey and Ray on the floor, and Alex on a different windowsill. They were all sleeping, except for the song writers. We were all staring out the windows, pondering our fate. We've written so many songs about insomnia, and this was why. I wanted to speak to them, but they were in their own world.

I could see something in Alex's eyes click, probably a new lyric to a song. Tyler started humming a tune, maybe a new twenty one pilots song, if we survived. That was the scary part, we might not all make it. In two weeks the emo quartet could be no more. The skeleton clique might not exist. There might not be any sinners or youngbloods. The MCRmy might not be such an army.

I fell asleep that night with those thoughts in mind. Petrified by the thought that life is so cruel. And, speak of the devil, my nightmares went haywire, as Blurryface grabbed my hand and lead me into the dark.

But then again, maybe we would make it.

You just never know

Emo and the escape (emo quartet x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant