Playlist! / Thank You's

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This might not mean much, but these are the songs that have inspired me to write this, and also songs that i think really fit their thoughts and feelings and if you were to ever reread it or something put these songs on loop!

(Bold is Louis' song to Ben/Harry)

(Italic is Ben/Harry's song to Louis)


1. Mad World - Michael Andrews

2. Demons - Imagine Dragons

3. Falling In Love In a Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg

4. Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran

5. Don't Let Me Go - Harry Styles

6. Beside You - Mariana's Trench 

7. Irresistable - One Direction

8. Come Home - One Republic

9. Come On Get Higher - Matt Nathanson

10. The Scientist - Coldplay

11. Hear Me - Imagine Dragons

12. Secrets - One Republic

13. A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope

14. Every Night - Imagine Dragons

15. Back For You - One Direction

16. Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie

17. I Lived - One Republic

18. On Top Of The World - Imagine Dragons



So i have a million and one people to thank, but I'm going to mention a few that have stuck out to me in the months that I've been writing Black Coffee

1. xbrenda : You have been reading my story since it was a one shot and you were the first to comment on it and i have a million things to thank you for (mostly leaving me a comment that inspired me to continue writing it) so thank you!

2. judepom : you always comment and vote and you always leave these really sweet comments and yeah i just wanted to say that all of those were very much appreciated and you're great ily

3. meanyou17 : i remembered once when you commented 10 times just to get the next chapter and you made me smile all day and basically all week and every time you comment or vote i smile omg you're just great thank you for reading xx

4. ineedacleverusername : every time you comment, you always leave me really long and sweet comments and i always look forward to them. I like hearing your thoughts and feelings and when you vote i get really excited because you liked the chapter idk i love you ok

5. dream_of_la : so basically you were my favorite reader. You've been reading since the very beginning when you read the one shot, and then you commented and voted on every chapter and not only did you comment, but you predicted the entire story and you got into my mind and idek how you did it, but thank you for all of your lovely comments and i always look forward to your predictions and your thoughts and i feel like dedicating this entire story to you but i can't but here's a trophy for being great <3

6. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READ, COMMENTED, AND VOTED you guys seriously don't know how much it means that i get just one more vote or one more comment, and i really really hope you guys liked it!!! 

Love you all

-Saz (I'm on twitter as @darthniall so come follow / talk to me if you want)

********Only the epilogue left!! :(:(

if you guys had any unanswered questions, ask them and i'll answer them in the epilogue :)

**keep a look out for my guardian angel!louis fic coming soon**

**im real excited about it**

ok ty ily

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