The Chase

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This story has been written by both me & VictorianNightmares. Credit goes to both of us! :D


Thad's P.O.V.

The sticky, sweet smell of sweat was thick in the air as I crouched in the shadows. The rhythmic thumping of blood being pushed through millions of tiny vessels rang in my ears. I could almost feel the soft, warm skin ripping apart in my mouth and I prepared to savor the tantalizing metallic taste that would soon fill my mouth. The mere thoughts sent my body into overdrive, my mind no longer in control.

"Huh, huh, huh," I listen as the human's breath caught in its throat as it struggled to run to safety. Its steps were getting a little more panicked with every desperate stride, but it was still cautious of it's surroundings. I was fine with that.

 I couldn't even begin to recall the last time I had a decent meal. The more exhilarating the chase was, the more rewarding it would feel when I got the first bite. Behind me the entire city, once beautiful and bustling with the colors of human life, had been transformed into a mindless bloodbath. With everyone desperate from the food shortage, I was no exception to the brutal killing. Every human was on the streets, hiding out and scavenging for all of the meager supplies and food they could find. All the while we stalked them from the every shadowy corner, every dank alleyway we could find. It was all one big game of cat and mouse, but the mice were running low and the top of the food chain was starting to sway.

 "Ugh," My eyes darted through the blanket of black coating the streets to where my pray tripped up and fallen, arms and legs sprawled out on the pavement. With that fatal mistake, I moved in on swift and silent feet, pressing against the damp bricks of the back ally. I waited for the human to pull itself up, blessing it with the opportunity of a fair fight before I stepped out onto the crumbling sidewalk.

 I approached from behind, hovering over its back in seconds as it steadied itself on the street lamp. It wouldn't even know what hit it. Reaching one of my hands up, I gently stroked its warm, pulsing cheek,drinking in its female scent. I slight gasp escaped her lips as she whipped around and started at me with wide, fear stricken eyes. I grinned as her heart beat flew through the roof and circulated the hot blood even faster through her veins, exciting me all the more. As she turned to dash away, my hunger got the best of me and I grabbed around her waist with one arm while I clamped her mouth with the other. Why chase her and risk someone stealing my meal when I could indulge in it now? Her arms kicked wildly and her legs flailed along with them as I dragged her into the vacant, open street. I removed my hand from her face.

"Let me go right now!" she shouted, struggling desperately against my grip.

"Calm down, It'll only hurt for a second if you stop fighting so much," I growled clamping my hand back down to cover her cries.

Someone else had probably heard her, but anyone who was hungry enough to steal, was probably also too weak to fight me off. She responded by slamming her body into my stomach as hard as she could with me restraining her. I jerked my grip around her waist tighter and heard a couple of tiny cracks, causing her to let out a slight whimpering sound against my hand.

 "If you'd stop being so confident that you could overpower me, maybe this would be a little easier on you. I think you should beg, that would amuse me," I spat down at her. She only fought harder. I moved her hair out of the way and pressed my lips on the curve of her neck, savoring the tiny pulsations of her heart beat just beneath her smooth skin. Her whole body quivered as I parted my lips and started to slide out my fangs.

 Then I sank them in, setting the blood beneath her skin free and letting it stream into my mouth freely. The taste of it set my throat on fire, as I gulped it down greedily. It was the first drink of the sweet, crimson liquid I had tasted in months, and it was driving me crazy. She started making little gasping noises while tears slid down her face.

"Hey!" I dropped the girl and she collapsed on the ground like a rag doll. In front of me stood four humans with wide eyes and heaving chests, guns clutched tight in each of their shaking fists.

"Dammit," I cursed, why hadn't I heard them?

"Get away from her!" The oldest male in the front said in a gruff voice, a pistol clutched tight in his shaking hands. I threw my hands up defensively and backed away. Even though I had gotten a pretty decent amount of blood from the girl, I still had full intentions of finishing my meal.

"Calm down, calm down," I said soothingly while backing out of the half circle they had formed, "I've had some blood, and it looks like you want her back fairly badly, so take her." They looked at each other suspiciously, kept the barrels of their weapons raised, but didn't advance any closer as I backed away from them.

Once I passed by where she laid unconscious, however, I scooped her up into my arms and took off right through their half circle in one smooth, lightning fast motion. When the realization of what I did finally struck the group, the sounds of gunshots filled the air. I kept speeding off until I came to an ally that was riddled with debris and a couple rusting dumpsters. I made a quick turn into it and plopped down on the side of the dumpster facing away from the street. Little coughs escaped from her throat as she tried to lift her head up. I leaned over and started licking at the blood that was streaming down her neck.

Without warning, I head the blaring bang of close range gunshot and felt the searing pain of a bullet tearing through my shoulder. Growling, I whipped around. I hadn't expected them to find me using only their weak, human senses. One girl with wild curls held a squeeze bottle in my direction.

"Holy water?" I laughed bluntly at her, "What? You think that's going to hurt me or something? It won't" She wrapped her fingers and around the sides of the bottle and pressed down hard, sending the murky liquid at me in a steady stream. As it washed over my body, I scoffed at first as I felt nothing, but then the pain came.

 Every inch of my skin that had come in contact with even a drop of it felt like it was being burned away. I let out a roar of pain and started desperately trying to clear my body of it as I stumbled to the ground, shuddering at the unbearable waves of pain that kept crashing over me.

"Good thing it wasn't holy water," she smirked and knelt down beside me, pulling out a needle from her bag. She plunged it into my chest and emptied it into my blood stream. I felt it flow through me, like a cool wave of ice, and fill me with a serene calmness. The edges of my vision slowly blurred into a black mess, and I felt my eyes getting heavy. Finally I gave into the sleep washing over my mind, and let the blackness engulf me.

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