The Chase Ch. 35

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Thad’s P.O.V

A small gasping sound came from Ginger’s lips as her eyes started to shut.

“Ginger? Stay with me Ginger,” I whispered as I listened to her heart beating. It was so quiet.

“Can you hear me sweetie?” I said as I picked her up as gently and quickly as possible. She moved her head a little bit, and I took that as a yes. Her breathing was shallow and she wasn’t being very responsive. I heard Donovan’s footsteps racing up behind me. I was glad I hadn’t waited on him.

“Oh my god,” He said running up to me panting, “Is she going to make it? Please tell me your vampire powers can save her,”

He ran his hand over her cheek, and I saw tears starting to slip down his face.

“Tell me you can save her,” he said through gritted teeth while looking up at me, something strange in his eyes.

“I, I can try, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do myself except…”I managed to choke out as her breathing slowed even more.

“What?” he practically shouted as he gripped my arm, “What can you do?”

“I can turn her,” I whispered, while cradling her in my arms, rocking back and forth slightly. I knew that’s not what she wanted, but she couldn’t want to die more than that. She couldn’t.

“Isn’t there anything else?” Donovan asked sounding desperate, his words choked as they came out.

“I could try taking her to the library and getting Enoch to put a transfusion of blood in her and heal her wounds, but she’s lost too much blood already, she’d die on the way there,”

“But she can’t, she can’t be a vampire,” he looked angry as he clutched his fists, his knuckles turning white.

“Well I can’t let her die in my arms,” I shouted back at him, “I will do everything in my power and out of it to save her life,”

“I, I know I don’t love her like you do, but I don’t want her to die either,” He sniffled quietly, “Do whatever you have to do,”

I nodded and laid her down on the floor of the cave. Donovan rushed over. I picked up her wrist and bite down on it. When her blood hit my mouth, it surprised me that I didn’t want to suck her dry. For once there was something stronger than that burning in my mind. I wanted to save her more than I wanted blood. I gently placed her hand back on her lap and listened carefully to her heart.

One beat

Another beat

Another one

Nothing. I couldn’t hear her heart anymore. Donovan must have seen the look on my face because I could feel the panic that was coursing through him.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Her heart stopped,” I choked out pressing my hand on her wrist just to make sure my ears didn’t deceive me.

“What? Bu-but you bit her. Doesn’t that mean she’ll be okay?” he shouted. 

“Her blood has to circulate for the venom to work,” I yelled back at him, “Do you know CPR?”

 He nodded and climbed on top of her, placing his hands on her chest. I would have done it myself, but I was scared I would crush her, even with one of my wrists broken. He started chest compressions and I started licking all the open wounds I could see on her body to keep her from losing any more blood. I bit her other wrist, her neck, and her stomach, sealing them over and praying it wasn’t too late.

Donovan continued breathing for her and compressing on her chest and I moved over to place two of my fingers on her wrist. Her heart stayed silent and I felt something wet on my face. I lifted my elbow up and brushed it away.

 I was crying. I was really crying. Before I even knew it I was sobbing with my head in my hands, my heart wrenching in my chest even though it had never beaten.

Donovan didn’t stop, despite my emotional breakdown, the determined look in his eyes never leaving. I was about to give up hope and start thinking of all the ways I could kill myself when I heard it.

The faint thumping that was ringing in her chest. It was small and it was quiet but it was most definitely there. My head snapped up and I pressed my fingers back to her wrist.

A few choked out gasps came out of her mouth and Donovan hopped off her chest. We both leaned over her expectantly, listening to the sputtering sound coming from her throat.

“I think she’s going to make it,” I said, a smile finding its way onto my face again. Donovan smiled too. I picked up her head and gently placed it in my lap and started stroking her hair.

“She’s going to be pissed when she wakes up, isn’t she?” Donovan chuckled, sounding amused and tired.

“Probably,” I sighed, looking down at her peaceful face. She looked so blissfully ignorant of everything that had happened right now.

Then I realized I didn’t know if she’d love me when she woke up. She had never said she had, but I thought she had.

“At least you didn’t let her die,” he added, quietly. I nodded thoughtfully.

Had I done the right thing, though? I almost didn’t care, I couldn’t let her die. She couldn’t be mad at me for saving her, could she? I shook my head, running my finger over her face which was starting to tense up. The muscles beneath her skin were twitching strangely, and her face was starting to look a little pained, but beside that she remained motionless. I wondered if she could feel it, the venom eating away at the last bit of life she had in her. I wondered if it hurt.

I imagined what it would be like for us when she woke up. I wouldn’t be able to listen to her heart while she slept, or watch her blush when she was nervous. On the bright side I wouldn’t have to worry about breaking her, or not being able to go outside when she did.

She moved a little bit, but still didn’t wake up. I didn’t know if she was supposed to or not. That’s what I get for being stupid.

We sat there like this for a while, eerily silent and still.

I don’t think either of us were prepared when she started screaming.

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