The Chase Ch. 8

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Ginger's P.O.V

I followed behind Enoch as he led me to a side room with what looked like medical supplies. He gestured for me to sit on an examination table and I did. A random question occurred to me and so I asked.

“What happens when a male vampire drinks a female human’s blood?”

“What do you mean?”

“I feel…weird. Like I don’t want to be away from Thad but at the same time I don’t want to be near him.”

Enoch nodded knowingly. “Ah I see.” He shook his head. “Thad has done it now.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked as he gathered up a few things.

“I can explain it in human terms and I can explain it in vampire terms. Which would you like?”

“Human terms, duh,” I said.

“Well, after taking so much blood from you I’d say you and Thad are”

“Dating!” I blurted. “What?”

                Enoch tried to conceal his smile as he filled a syringe with a clear liquid. He wrapped a tourniquet around my arm with blinding speed and flicked the needle twice.

“This should counteract the venom in your system. But, I warn you, it will sting quite a bit.”

                I nodded, prepared for the worst. I decided talking would take my mind off the inevitable pain.

“So is there any way we can technically break up? Me and Thad, that is.”

“I suppose there is a way but I have long since forgotten. Quick question however. How did it feel while Thad was drinking your blood?”

Embarrassed, I stuttered through my response. “Good, I guess.”

Enoch nodded. “I shall have a talk with Thad after we’re done here.”

                He injected the liquid into my veins and, like he said, it stung. I yelped and eventually turned to screaming. Enoch held me down with the strength of the Gods while I thrashed about. When it was over about ten minutes later, my voice was hoarse from screaming. No one would’ve taken me seriously if I spoke sounding like that. I resorted to keeping quiet. I said a quick thanks to Enoch and headed out so he could have privacy with Thad.

                Thad happened to be right outside the door. I stared up at him.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded. “You were screaming.” I nodded. He looked at my arm which I was still clutching. It burned slightly but nothing unmanageable. Thad grabbed my arm with ice cold hands. It was slightly soothing. “Better?”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

                Snatching my arm back, I hurried away. Once back in the basement of the library, I sat next to Luke.

“You’re not going to turn into one of them, are you?” he asked.

“No,” I responded hoarsely.

Luke laughed. “What’s with your voice?”

                I glowered at him. I knew no one would take me seriously.

“I’ll be back,” I said.

                I headed back towards the room Enoch had taken me to. If I took back one of those little vials, I could administer the drug to Sadie myself and Enoch wouldn’t have to leave. The sooner I could get it, the sooner we could get out of that decrepit library. Stopping in front of the door, I raised my hand to knock.

“I didn’t do it on purpose!”

                I heard Thad’s urgent voice come from the other side of the door. I wasn’t eavesdropping; I was investigating.

“No matter. You know what you must do.”

“Can’t you do it for me?”

                There was a silence in which I thought I’d been caught. I held my breath and pressed myself against the wall. If I stay quiet they won’t know I’m here, I thought.

“I’m sorry Thaddeus but you must marry Ginger.”

“What?” Thad and I blurted at the same time.

                Enoch opened the door and invited me in.

“I knew you were there,” he said matter-of-factly.

“I was just coming to get stuff for Sadie. You don’t need to come anymore since I know how simple it is to save her.”

Enoch nodded thoughtfully. “Since you’re here though, we should tell you how to rid you of those feelings for Thaddeus. It seems he has the same feelings for you.”

“Hey! That was private!” Thad yelled.

“Quiet down Thaddeus.”

“Yes sir,” Thad said, defeated.

                Enoch gestured to the chair beside Thad. I didn’t want to sit there but my only other option was standing. I sat unwillingly and heard Thad take a deep breath. No, he wasn’t breathing, he was smelling…sniffing the air.

 “Cut that out,” said Enoch, trying to hide his amusement. “If you keep breathing in her scent it’ll follow you around.”

“I can’t help it. She smells good,” admitted Thad.

                I felt weird sitting there. It’s as if I wasn’t there at all. Thad admitted how he felt and I eventually had to admit how I felt. Enoch listened attentively.

“I suggest you brace yourself Ginger. This might not be pleasant.”

“I’m ready.”

“I have consulted the book and Thaddeus must plunge a dagger into your heart. The resulting pain you feel will transmit to him and will therefore break the bond that has already formed between you.”

“I’ll die!” I yelled.

“It will only bring you to the brink of death. We can bring you back.”

“No. Absolutely not. We’re done here.”

                I stood but Enoch raised one hand to stop me.

“Would you like to see what happens when I leave you two alone?” he asked. “Thaddeus is a very persuasive boy, no matter how young and stupid he seems.”

“What is that going to prove?” I asked.

“A lot.”

                It’s worth a shot. What’s the worst that can happen?

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