The Chase Ch. 6

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Author's Note: Idk how you guys did it but you've beaten my challenge! Since you wanted it so badly, here is the latest update of The Chase. Enjoy!


Ginger's P.O.V

I gritted my teeth as his lips touched my neck. Of course I’d be scared; I was letting a vampire bite me for Christ’s sake! The low hiss that escaped his throat when he parted his lips made me shudder. His teeth scraped a vein on my neck and, without warning, he bit down. I resisted the urge to scream. A shiver rippled through me and suddenly the only two people in the room were me and Thad.

               There was no pain. I sort-of expected to be dead but no, I was still there just not in the searing pain I thought I’d be. It, ironically, felt…good. I let my eyes drift closed and listened to the soft slurping sounds coming from Thad’s throat. I soon found myself pressing closer to him, completely unaware that he was sucking me dry.

“God get a room.”

                Donovan’s loud voice slapped me back to reality. My eyes snapped open. Thad detached his fangs from my neck after much threatening from Donovan. I found myself in Thad’s lap. Where were my hands just now?  I asked myself. Thad methodically pushed my hair aside and licked the side on my neck, sealing the puncture wounds. He looked at me expectantly.

“What?” I inquired, my voice a raspy whisper.

 “Get off me,” he said.

                Back to sassy, I thought. I scrambled out of his lap and stood. I swayed and ended up falling into Luke’s arms.

“She’ll be lightheaded for a while considering Thaddeus took a least a pint from her,” Enoch informed us. “I’d suggest staying here until nightfall and then you may take your leave.”

“We don’t have until nightfall,” said Luke. “You need to help Sadie.”

“As you have just witnessed with Thaddeus, I cannot go into the sunlight.”

“What if we use an umbrella or something?”

“Either way I would still be burned alive,” said Enoch.

“We’ll stay here,” I said. “Just until the sun sets, then we leave and you come with us.”

                Enoch thought for a moment.

“As you wish,” he said.

                Enoch, upon my request, moved his fellow bloodsuckers to the far side of the room where they were to stay until nightfall. Thad was allowed to move freely among both groups since we saved his life. I sat against a wall with my gun in hand in case anyone dared to try something. I still couldn’t get over how Thad made me feel earlier. Disgusting, I thought. I needed to know how he did it.

I got to my feet and pointed at Thad. “Come show me the book.”

                He stood quickly, grateful to be out of Donovan’s glare range, and gestured to a cluster of bookshelves in the back. I followed him and when he stopped I slammed him against the wall. Pointing my gun in his face, I chose my words carefully.

“Why didn’t you warn me?” I asked.

“About what?”

“Drinking my blood! Why didn’t you tell me it’d…feel like that?” I asked, embarrassed.

“It’s like an instinct. I wasn’t hitting on you. You’re a girl so naturally I’d make the experience pleasant for you.” He paused and in the two seconds he stopped talking I was the one against the wall. He placed my gun on a nearby shelf and held my wrists together with one hand. “I can make it hurt if you want,” he growled, his lips inches from my neck.

My heart hammered in my chest. “Stop it now,” I ordered.

“Or what?” he inquired.

                I looked over his shoulder to find Donovan with gun in hand.

“It seems that little taste had you craving more, bloodsucker,” said Donovan.

                Thad’s grip on my wrists tightened. He turned his head and glanced at Donovan.

“It seems you love interrupting me. Can’t you see I’m busy?”

                Without a hint of hesitation, Donovan fired twice at Thad. The bullets lodged themselves in Thad’s back and he hissed violently. It was going to be a bloodbath.   

The ChaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora