The Chase Ch. 4

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Ginger's P.O.V. 

“Then you’ll just have to come with us,” I said, with a shrug.

                I nodded to the chair the bloodsucker, “Thad”, was chained to.

“It’ll be too strenuous for us to carry the chair along with him. Unchain the chair but keep him restrained,” I instructed.

                I watched from the sidelines as Donovan and Luke dodged frantic bites from Thad. I smirked. He wasn’t going to be alive much longer if he kept that behavior up.  When they finally got things under control, we moved out. I left Sadie with Emma and took Luke and Donovan with me. Emma would keep Sadie safe.

                We hurried down the streets towards downtown. I knew from personal experience that it’d be free of vampires because of the sun. It rose about an hour ago and Thad was causing a scene. We’d have to shut him up if we wanted to make it to the old library alive. Just because the sun hurts them, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t brave it for some fresh blood.

“Keep him quiet,” I said to the guys who were struggling beneath his weight.

“What are we supposed to do? He’s being burned alive.”

“Do I detect a hint of sympathy?” I inquired, stopping in my tracks.

“I’m not sympathizing,” said Luke, twirling his rosary. “I’m just pointing out that his skin is smoking.”

                I looked to the beast and saw that his skin really was smoking. Perfect opportunity.

“It hurts doesn’t it?” I asked, stepping close.

“Whatever gave you that idea?” he asked sarcastically.

“You can be sassy all you want but you’re the one in pain,” I reminded him. “Now tell me everything you know or else we’ll leave you here to die.”

“Tell you what I know about what?”

“About Sadie! Do we really need to go to the library or is this a trap? I saw that look in your eye. You’re either lying or you have no idea what the hell you were talking about.”

He was about to speak when a scream tore its way out of his mouth. “I…I can’t…” he blubbered.

I nodded to a shady area. “Get him out of the sun,” I sighed.

                Luke and Donovan carted Thad into the shade where his screaming momentarily ceased. I awaited his answer but he remained quiet.

“I really don’t know. I’m young and don’t know much about the ways of my world. The elders can tell you and the only way you’ll get to them is to go to the library.”

“I’m going to trust you’re telling the truth,” I said. I noticed him panting and clutching at his seething flesh. “Are you going to make it?”

“I don’t know. I’ll most likely die before we make it to the library.”

                The next idea that occurred to me was so outrageous, so vile, so insane that I thought I’d gone mad. I shook my head as to clear away those thoughts. I signaled for us to keep moving. The library was an agonizing twenty minutes away. Thad screamed the whole way there and I kept going back to that crazy idea I had.

                Armed and ready, we entered the seemingly abandoned library. As soon as we stepped foot into the library, a chorus of hissing began. Red eyes gleamed in every corner. We had entered their domain. It was now or never.

“Attack,” I screamed.

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