The Chase Ch. 16

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I stared at the wall for what seemed like hours. I was calculating, pondering, weighing my options, and every other complicated way to say I was thinking. Multiple times I asked myself what exactly there was to think about but even that required thinking. Sighing heavily, I gave up. Footsteps on the stairs made me jump. I turned to find Donovan approaching me.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

            I attempted a shrug but stopped when splinters of pain shot up my arm. Settling for the half shrug I gave him, Donovan pulled up a chair and sat beside me. We sat in silence for a little bit and I almost pointed out that “talking” required some kind of communication. Donovan rubbed his hands together and breathed in deeply, as if having to say something difficult.

“Jeez spit it out,” I growled, annoyed.

“Are you going to forgive the Bloodsucker or what?”

“What’s it to you?”

“I’m just wondering.”

“Here’s an idea: mind your business.”

            He shot me a look but quickly composed himself.

“What I’m trying to say is: you should get over it and forgive Thad for whatever you saw that upset you so much.”

“Excuse me?” That was the first time he ever called Thad by his actual name. I was sure I hadn’t heard right but the look on Donovan’s face said I hadn’t misheard. “Why?”

“He makes you happy; I can see that. Even though I don’t want it to be true, he makes you happy. It’s been a while since I’d seen you laugh or smile like that. You hadn’t defended someone so wholeheartedly in your life. I could tell he means…almost the world to you. You deserve to be happy.” I was dumbfounded. That was probably the deepest thing Donovan had ever said. It was also the longest he went without saying something rude or crude. “Take my advice and go steam up some windows in that bedroom of yours.” Never mind…

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

“I care about you.” He paused. “And to be honest, I’m not over you. But I will be if you just give Thad another chance.”

            Tears stung my eyes. Had I really been so blind?


“Save it,” he said, raising his hand for silence. “Just go make up with your… boyfriend.”

            Watching the way it pained him to say the word boyfriend made me feel like a villain. I realized I must’ve broken his heart at some point. There was nothing left to say so I stood and left him alone with his thoughts. I could tell there would be some drinking going on that night. On my way up to my room I heard Sadie and Emma talking…about me.

“It’s sad really,” Emma began. “I swear Ginger is such a brute sometimes.”

“Hey, be fair. You would be freaked out if you saw something like that too,” Sadie replied. “I know I would be. He almost killed me after all.”

“That’s different though.”


“Ginger and Thad are dating. It means she has to accept him, flaws and all.”

“Like I accept Luke for his flaws,” Sadie said.

“You know he likes you right?”

“Who doesn’t?”

            They shared and laugh and I refrained from breaking Emma’s door down. I wanted to confront her and ask what gave her the right to criticize me. Girls are never satisfied unless they’re talking about someone else. Silently, I made my way to my room and cautiously pushed the door open.

            Surprisingly, Thad was fast asleep on the floor. I sat beside his head and pushed his hair out of his face. He is adorable, I thought. I decided to let him sleep and instead go join in on Emma and Sadie’s girl time. I knocked and Emma opened the door.

“Can I join?” I asked, pushing her earlier comments out of my head.

“Only if you bring snacks,” Sadie called from inside.

            I laughed and left in search of something for Sadie to eat.  

The ChaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora