The Chase Ch. 5

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 Thad's P.O.V.

I slummed against the wall. I didn’t even have enough energy to support myself, so I just let my body slide to the ground. I groaned a little bit as my scorched skin rubbed against the floor and wall.

I heard a scream to my left. Two bodies came flying towards me, a tangle of wildly flailing arms and legs. I noticed Ginger being held down by a female vampire by the wrists. I scanned the room, but noticed the two other humans were distracted by spats of their own. The female, I think her name was Geneva, hissed menacingly at her, lunging for her throat but just barely missing when Ginger moved her head.

I used all the Energy I had left to reach over and smack the vampire in the face. It didn’t really hurt her, but dazed her enough that Ginger could shove one of her needles in her chest, immobilizing her instantly. I slumped back against the wall as the edges of my vision started to turn black. I knew I was out of the sun, but I still felt like I was burning. Was this God’s way of making me suffer without even being in hell? I almost felt like I’d rather be there.

“Thad?” I heard her ask from beside me. I struggled to look at her and grunted in response. She looked like she was going to say something else, but she quickly got up when another vampire lunged for her. Scanning the room, I noticed most of the vampires were d own by now, and the last few were starting to back off. They were, however, still hissing and baring their fangs.

The older male, Donovan, drew a dagger and plunged it in the chest of the nearest vampire, causing it to fall to the ground in a fit of hissing. Another vampire pulled the first back into the shadows and approached the humans with a low growl.

“Enough!” a voice erupted from the corner as the cellar door swung open. Enoch, one of the oldest elders, stepped out and into the dimly lit room. The remaining vampires back away respectfully, crouching in the darkness. The three humans redrew their weapons and approached.

“Stop!” I managed to force out of my throat. All three of them and Enoch turned to face me. “He’s not looking for a fight.”

“Thaddeus?” he looked down at where I was slumped in the corner.

“Yeah, it’s me,” I smiled weakly. At least I think I did, I couldn’t really feel any of my movements anymore. He was at my side in a flash and the humans quickly followed.

“Why on Earth have you been so exposed to the sun?” he stammered. I tried to answer, but no sound would come out, so I just shrugged a little.

“Is he going to die?” I heard one of the males say from beside me. Ginger sat down beside Enoch with strange and distant look on her face. The lines on Enoch’s face creased.

“It looks to be that way but…”

“If…” Ginger spoke up, looking like she didn’t even believe what she was saying, “If he drank some of my blood, would it save him?”

“Yes, yes, that’s just what I was about to suggest,” He said looking over at her with a nod.

“But, I won’t…” She stammered, “Turn into one of them, will I?”

“I don’t like this idea. Why don’t we leave him here to die and take the old guy?” Donovan remarked.

“I…I… helped you,” I managed while coughing violently and drawing my knees up to my aching chest

“Yes, you would turn into one of ‘them’,” Enoch broke the building tension, “But I could stop it.”

“So he could save Sadie!” Luke blurted excitedly. Donovan smacked him on the face.

“Then it’s worth a shot, I’ll be the test subject” Ginger said defiantly while crawling towards me. Donovan looked pretty pissed, and Luke just looked worried as he fingered his rosary nervously.

“Alright,” Enoch stood up taking control of the situation, “You, religious guy, help him up. Tall guy, you hold take hold of his shoulders, in case you need to pull him back.”

Luke pulled my shoulders off the wall and pushed me on to my knees, supporting my back with his. Donovan came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders a little rougher than needed. Ginger moved close to me, exposing the smooth flesh of her neck to me. I felt Donovan’s grip on my back tighten, increasing the already searing pain of the burns.

“You better be careful,” he said gruffly, but he sounded so far away. Everyone sounded so far away.

“Thaddeus, stay with me,” Enoch said, his voice just an echo in my ear. I nodded limply and let my lips rest on the warm, pulsating curve of her neck. I could feel the beat of her heart increase with her fear, forcing the blood even faster through her veins.

I parted my lips and let my instincts take over.

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