The Chase Ch. 26

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Ginger's P.O.V

They called a truce which I doubted would hold up. The tight smile on Donovan’s lips said it all. He would only be nice around me, other than that; Thad was no friend of his. As long as their stupid fighting didn’t go on around me I was fine. We ate and went back to sitting around.  I laid my head in Thad’s lap and closed my eyes.

“You’re already going back to sleep?” he asked.

“There’s nothing else to do,” I said pointedly.

“We could play a game,” suggested Donovan.

“Like what?”

“Ten fingers.”

            I sat up and shot Donovan a look. He knew I always lost this game.

“Or we can go back to sleep,” he finished.

“How do we play?” asked Thad, obviously feeling excluded.

“You hold up ten fingers and say something you’ve never done. If someone else has done it then they put a finger down. Last person with fingers still up wins.” Donovan smiled. “I’ll go first.” He thought for a minute and said, “I’ve never ran out of the house without pants on.” He grinned at me.

“You suck,” I said, putting down a finger. I sighed and said, “I’ve never slipped getting out of the tub and had to call for help.”

Donovan scowled and put a finger down. “For the record, if I hadn’t broken my leg, I wouldn’t have called you.”

            Thad looked back and forth between us as we snickered. He still had all ten fingers up.

“Your turn,” I said to Thad.

He was quiet for a while. “I’ve never…gotten drunk?”

            Donovan and I groaned simultaneously. We put our fingers down and then looked at each other.

“I’ve never…oh wait I’ve done that,” said Donovan. “Ok. I’ve never given someone a gift that I’ve already used.”

“Let it go!” I yelled. “I only wore that shirt once. Sadie got over it,” I giggled, putting my finger down.

“Yeah but you probably sweated in it. You know how overly active your sweat glands are.”

I scowled. “Shut up.”

            Thad cleared his throat. I realized we were leaving him out.

“I’ve never been to Niagara Falls,” I said, hoping Thad has been somewhere out of this town.

Donovan put his finger down but Thad didn’t.

“I’ve never…” Thad paused. “played spin the bottle.”

            Another simultaneous groan arose from Donovan and I.

“Pick better ones!” Donovan complained.

“Don’t yell at him,” I warned.

“He isn’t good at this game,” Donovan pointed out.

“So? Just try to get him out.”

Donovan nodded and thought for a minute. “I’ve never bitten anyone.”

“Liar!” I blurted. “You gave what’s her face a hickey!”

            Donovan’s face turned bright red as he retracted his statement.

“Fine, I’ve never stolen from a gas station.”

“Ok you know what,” I said while putting my finger down. “You were the one who wanted chips. You never said how I had to get them.” Donovan and I burst into a fit of giggles as I recalled the situation. “I thought that clerk was going to come after me with a gun!”

“So did I! You’re just lucky you run fast.”

“I don’t want to play anymore,” Thad said suddenly. “This is boring.”

            Thad got up and walked away.

“What’s his problem?” asked Donovan, recovering from the laughter.

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