The Chase Ch. 32

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Ginger’s P.O.V

            I glanced in the mirror and touched my lips tenderly. Evidence of last night’s passion was splayed across my body; thankfully the only visible marks were the ones on my face. I lifted my shirt and grimaced at the mark Thad’s fingers had left on my hip. It didn’t hurt…much. Thad came up behind me and pulled me into a hug. He noticed the bruise that I was too slow to cover up.

“Did I do that?” he asked, loosening his hold on me.

“It’s fine,” I murmured, not wanting him to get upset. “You ready for breakfast?” I asked, already starting towards the door.

            He silently took my hand and walked down with me. I avoided Donovan’s gaze throughout breakfast. His eyes were fixed on my lips and I licked them nervously. Was it that noticeable?

“Looks like you two had a rough night,” Donovan commented, finally speaking.

I shrugged. “Not really.”

            Donovan snorted but didn’t say anything more. I hated how he insisted on making things awkward. No one else spoke. Luke and Sadie “secretly” held hands underneath the table, Emma picked at her food, and Thad shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” I asked, trying to get a conversation started. “Do we have enough food? Bullets? Clothes?”

“Yup,” said Emma.

“Are there any birthdays today?”

“No,” everyone said simultaneously.

            Glaring down at my plate, I sighed, frustrated at the lack of friendliness this morning. Luke and Sadie finished up and excused themselves. Emma was the next to leave, retreating to her bedroom probably. That left Donovan, Thad, and I. We looked across the table at each other. I gripped Thad’s hand nervously. I was about to leave when a knock came at the door. Multiple guns were out before I could even turn towards the sound. Everyone seemed a little on edge. Who would come to our safe house at this time and even knock?

            Donovan, Luke, and Thad all moved towards the door swiftly. Luke wrenched the door open and Thad tensed. It was a girl. Just a girl. There was nothing vampirish about her considering Thad relaxed.

“I need help,” she said, looking stressed.

            The guys put their guns away but made no move to invite her in.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Mina,” she squeaked, pushing her dark hair out of her face.  She was thin, very thin. She looked as if she hadn’t eaten in days, maybe weeks. Her clothes were tattered and her skin dirty. Her pale green eyes seemed shrouded in despair. “They have my brother.”

“They who?” Thad interjected.

“Vampires,” Mina whispered, her voice quivering. “They’re going to kill him.”

            She seemed dangerously close to passing out and a few seconds later, she did. Donovan caught her before she could smack into the floorboards. He lifted her and brought her into the house without further questioning. It was obvious the girl was harmless and had no weapons.

“What do we do with her…leader?” Donovan said in a snarky tone. Was he mocking me now? He stared at me expectantly.

“There’s an empty room upstairs. Leave her there but post someone outside the door. Emma and I will go get her some clothes and Luke; could you and Sadie make her some food? She looks ready to break. Thad, just stay here,” I said.

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