The Chase Ch. 24

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 Ginger's P.O.V

            The sound of gunfire echoed back to me as I raced towards Donovan’s screams. A stray bullet grazed my arm and I cried out, grasping my arm.

“Damn it Donovan!” I screeched. “Stop shooting!”

            Once my ears stopped ringing, I searched through the cloud of gunpowder, trying to find Donovan. I could still hear him struggling. My hand was covered in blood but I didn’t care. Finally locating Donovan, I saw him struggling beneath the woman who had earlier claimed her name was Tori. I sent a bullet flying into the back of her head without hesitation. She flinched and sort of just crumpled. Donovan threw her off of him and crawled away, clutching his neck.

“She bit me,” he gasped, out of breath.

Thad came up behind me. “What happened?”

“Took you long enough,” Donovan spat.

“He got bitten,” I said, ignoring their bickering.

            Thad’s face was unreadable.

“Ok,” he said.

“He’s going to turn into one of them!”


“Can’t you do something?”

“I can but…I don’t really want to.”

“Please? For me?” I said, batting my eyelashes.

            Thad sighed and grabbed Donovan’s arm, pulling him away.

“Don’t follow us,” said Thad.

            I watched them disappear to the back of the store. I waited and tiptoed after them.

“For the record,” Thad began. “This does not mean anything.”

            I peeked from behind and shelf and watched as Thad bit Donovan’s neck where the female had bitten him. I gazed in disbelief as Donovan attempted to inch closer to Thad. Thad held him at bay with a fist.

“This is so gay,” Donovan complained although he kept trying to get closer.

            Thad retracted his fangs and licked Donovan’s wound.

“If you tell Ginger,” Thad began.

“You’re the one who did it! I’m not saying anything.”

            Donovan, flustered and pale, marched away. I ran back to the spot they left me in and tried to look busy. Donovan stomped past me and chose a corner farthest away from Thad. Thad came back shortly after and gave Donovan a disgusted look.

“So what happened?” I asked innocently.

“Like you don’t know,” Thad sneered.

            I held back a giggle and cleared my throat.

“I really don’t know.”

“Leave it alone Ginger. I am not talking about this.”

            Thad sealed the still bleeding wound on my neck and the one on my arm.

“Try not to hurt this arm again. It’s not done healing,” Thad said.

            I nodded and sat down, preparing for a long wait until nightfall.

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