Chapter 1.

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"You think you matter, don't you tyler? You are a coward. An empty void to the face of the earth. Your beliefs are nothing against mine. You do not matter to anyone tyler.

"Stop it. I- I'm not gonna believe you. You are wrong".

"You know that I am not wrong. Thousands of people have told you, you are worthless. I mean look at you, you're in here talking to yourself

I stared deeply into his crooked face. Anger and guilt filling up inside me. I knew he wasn't right. I knew I was much more than what he wanted me to be. I knew. Nothing made me feel like crap the way he made me feel.

"Looks like I've proven my point". He said. "I've prepared you for this moment for years. And when it finally came I didn't want you to be afraid of it. Evryone does it".

I felt a look of confusion crawl onto my face. I had no idea what blurry was talking about. But I figured if he was truly right about me, I would be in good hands. Right?

I experinced the worst pain in my lower back, and it slowly started to creep up my spine like a bug crawling up your leg. I knew that in that moment, he was within me. And I knew that whenever that itself happens, something horrible will come along with it. In a matter of minutes I could feel my body go limp. I could feel my soul being crushed and pushed against my ribs by a much more stronger, heavier force. And in the mist of all that, the only thing left of me was my mind. I was trapped within the cave's of my mind. No control what so ever.

"Go to the closet"

And it was as if my body was put under a spell, that I got off my bed and stumbled to my closet, waiting for the next given command.

"Open the doors, and inside you will find your second best friend. The only friend that has waited for you for years".

My body fell through with what he said. My unknown hand opened the door and looked around for the object blurry wanted me to get. On the left side of the closest laid a long piece of rope. I waited.

"Pick it up. After you do that, throw it around the metal bar of your curtain. Once you've done that tyler, I'll handle it from there".

And off I went. I picked up the material and went over to my window. I through it around once, and once again waited. Silence filled the air around me. I looked out the window only to catch a glimpse of who was looking back at me. It most defitnily did not look like me. It can't be me. There was no expression on my face. No care in the world. But I was fully aware of what was going to happen. And what scared me the most was knowing. I knew I was very capable of somehow fighting back and trying to turn things around. But my voice was to small to fight this evil trapped in my body. I was snapped back to reality when I heard him speak. A low, grumble, scratched voice appeared back in my thoughts.

"I'm doing this for you tyler. I've seen the hurt in your eyes when nobody else did. I felt that pain mentally and physically when nobody else did. I was there for all of it when nobody else was. I'm just doing everyone else a favor"

And with that, my unknown body began to move. The hands that I would create with grabbed a chair and placed it underneath my wish. The slenderness of my legs that I once used to carry me through the hell of a life climbed onto the chair. My neck, which would take most of the beating by swallowing the pain, looked up. My hands took the rope that somehow already made a slit to where my neck needed to go. I put it around me, feeling it tug at my vains and seeping it's death in me. I could hear him laugh. I could hear the excitement within him. Silence.

"Anything you would like to say tyler?"

The cave's of my brain banged against me. I was trying to snap myslef out of it. Trying to defeat this purpose blurry had set for me. But there was no point.

"N- No"

"Very well. Let's get on with this, yea?"

I felt my head move. Agreeing to what this voice was saying. Before I could help myself, I wiggled the chair. Side to side, back and forth, hoping with the movement's it would tip over. Vigorously I moved faster, but the chair would not budge. I began to become frustrated with the outcome of what was happening. "MOVE MOVE!" I yelled. No use.

"TYLER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I heard my mom scream. I tried to remove the rope from my neck, but as soon as I looked up, the chair from beneath me finally caved in, and fell over. I felt a quick jolt before my body was spinning slowly from the weight the curtain was holding. I tried to move my hands up to my neck, but it felt as if there was a magnetic force holding me back.

My vision became unclear. My pulses slowing down. I was reaching out for my mother. But I didn't feel her hands. And with that, my last thought was,

"Help me"

W:Hello! So I'm pretty knew to this whole writing thing. I had an account on here a very long time ago but couldn't remeber the password to it. I would like to tell those of you who read this story, that 1. It is joshler themed. And 2. Whenever you see writing that looks like this, it's blurryface. I wanted to make that clear becuase he will be in most of the story:) But anyways, thank you for those who read!!

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