Chapter 17.

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After my metldown, i tried to gather myself back together, and prepare myself for the questions I knew were to come.

"Josh follow me upstairs please". Out of the corner of my eye I seen him nod with agreement and proceeded to follow me. We reached my room and I allowed him, quickly shutting the door behind me.

"Sit anywhere you'd like" I simply said. It's not like he had many options, so he chose my bed. The same thing I would've done. I went and climbed on the fluffy bed and placed my self in the corner so he could fully turn to look at me.

"I need to tell you something". He was silent and his face still showed fear. I felt horrible.

"Yea obviously! What happend?"

That look of fear soon dropped when he asked the question. Sympathy was now present with his words.

"Listen before we even get to that. I need to tell you where this all started and why we're in here in the fir-"

"TYLER! ARE YOU HOME?" I heard my mom yell around the house looking for me. She was probably wondering who's car that was in our driveway. I honestly didn't want her meeting josh this way.

"Yea, I'm uh I'm u-up stairs!". I looked at Josh who was already smiling from hearing her voice.

"Wow. Looks like this relationship is moving fast!"

He playful scrunched up my hair. But we weren't in a relationships yet, so I didn't find it funny. And he caught on.

"Stay up here" I blankly spoke. And because josh is such a hard listener, he protested and stood up with me, walking towards the door.

"No! I wanna meet your mom Joseph!".

I was now becoming irritated because he wasn't catching what I was throwing down. I shot him a "stop playing with my emotions look" hoping he would understand.

"Tyler are you worried about her not liking me? Because she will. I'm a veryyy likeable person".

He smiled and proceded to take my hand. He wasn't gonna give up easily, so I gave in.

"Ugh fineee! But don't say anything, until I tell you to. Do you understand my lips Dun?"

"Yea I do Joseph. As long as you let me kiss them later I'll understand them more".

He once again winked at me and squeezed my hand. We walked out the door untangling our fingers. I swiftly glided down the stairs looking for where this creature was. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her hands crossed waiting for my face to appear around the corner. She didn't look to pleased, which was usual because she never is. As I was fully withen her sight, her eyes widened when she saw a pink haired boy who had a long sleeve tattoo and piercings walk into her space. She shot me a look, but soon put on her "mother face"

"Tyler. Who's this?" Her teeth were gritted together but her words spoke through her fake smile.

I walked back closer to Josh and stood beside him. He himself had a smile on. But this one was real. His amazing crinkles covered his face and his cheeks were as full as ever.

"This is uh- this is josh. He's my friend from school. He g-gave me a ride home today and I offered him to come in". I waited for a response as she was clearly examining the boy. Still, his smile did not fade away. It only here bigger.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!". His voice was full with excitement like he had just met the president. His eyes were shining, something I wish my eyes would do, but were too dark to hold some sort of light. She stuck her hand out, and her fake smile grew bigger.

"I've heard alot about you ma'am. You seem wonderful!"

I knew that was a lie because not once did I ever talk about her. And when I do, it'll be more than sunshine and flowers that I tell him. She's the reason each of those things die.

"Oh really? I'm usually not the one ty like's to talk about". Her grasp was disconnected by josh's when he backed up and came back to me. Silence then struck us.

"So, how long have you guys known eachother tyler? You could've told me you had a.. f-friend"

God she irriated me so much.

"We've known each other for four days now. I said.

"He was just as nervous as I was to talk to our parents about eachother".

I had to think of some lie. My mom too, dosen't know my sexullality. And now I'm starting to think i might just be gay. And I just can't say that to her.

"Oh okay" she blankly put.

"Well josh. You seem like an okay person. Y-you are always welcomed here. Only because you're the first friend im hearing about!"

He was so adorable. To me, it was a way for him to constantly come over to my house. But for him, it was a way of him taking me away forever.

"Well thank you! I appreciate that".

"We're gonna be upstairs if you need us". I gave her a reassuring look before tapping josh's shoulder, signaling him to come.

"Tyler, I need to speak to you real quick. Josh his room is at the end of the hallway, on the left".

Josh looked at me, and then walked away. I could tell that the look he gave me was more of a worried expression. I walked towards her, not really sure what she'll say.

"What the hell is wrong with you!". Her voice was hushed but filled with evil. I shot her a confused look on purpose, because I wanted to hear what idiotic thing she would say.

"What? I don't see a problem here".

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! I don't like having people in the house unless I know about it!"

I laughed at her words because truthfully, she's never home to care.

"Well, that's not my problem is it?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"You know what else isn't my problem? The fact that you tried to overdose! Think I wouldn't find that out? Or was it that little voice you think you have in your head that told you to do it?"

She caught me in my track's. I was trying to think back as to when I was taking the pills. I remembered this morning I was in a rush because josh was here.

"I was in a rush this morning because josh came and got me. I didn't overdose". I could tell she thought I was lying.

"I will be telling the therapist-"

"Great". I walked away not looking back. I didn't wanna talk to Josh in this environment. But when I get back, all hell will be breaking loose.

"Kill her"

To be continued..

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