Chapter 14.

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It took alot in me to walk into the school. I mean, nothing wrong happend between us, but it just felt weird to know that he had feelings for me and I was still completely lost in my head. I didn't want to make the situation more awkward than what it already was, so I simply forgot about it. But forgetting dosen't always last long.

The bell was getting ready to ring in 2 minutes, so I had enough time to walk in and ignore everything around me. I reached the door frame of the room, examining all the motionless people in there before heading towards me seat. Josh was already there, and when he realized that I was near, he gave me a sympathetic smile which slowly faded away.

"Did I do something wrong?" I thought.

"Alright class!" Mr. Walsh's voice snapped me out of my mental state, bringing everyone to attention.

"For the rest of the class I'm giving you and independent assignment. I want you to write. And when I mean write, I don't mean little baby sentences, I mean broad stories. Something that will make me take my glasses off and think "wow, this kid has actaul potential".

I scoffed at his words. I find myself to be and okay writer. I just dont like letting others are them. When I write, it's really not me putting the words down. It's something else that frightens me past my imagination. My hand just goes with the flow I guess.

"Pull out your journals and begin!" He yelled.

I bent to the left side of me only to come face to face with josh. My words once again slipped out my mouth with no control.

"Are you mad at me?" His head tilted a little, and his eye's lightened.

"Why would I be mad at an angel like you? Should there be a reason?" His words constantly made me blush, and I loved that. The little butterflies in my stomach could not be tamed.

"Josh. I'm far away from being an angel".
And as quick as we made it to the school, it soon ended. I was shuffling my way through the crowded hallway trying to get out the front door to the student parking lot. The heat that I felt from other student's made me nervous. I didnt like being in places were I couldn't breath, or speak, or move. School is hell for me. I felt the chilly weather hit my face as I knew I was saved. I seen Josh leaning against the trunk of his car, scanning the kids looking for me. When I had finally made it to wear he was, he gave me a blank expression.



"Remember when you told me that I couldn't touch you unless you gave me permission?" A small little smirk began to sit on his face.


"Do I have permission to hug you atleast?" For a second I thought he wanted to hit me. So it was a relief that he aksed that.

"Um...I g-guess". Josh slowly walked up to me before wrapping his strong arms around my waist. He was so warm. And he smelled really good. Almost like trees, and cheap cologne. It felt like this is where I belonged, in his arm's, safe and sound. I wrapped my arms around him, not too tight becuase I didn't want him to feel my bones poking through me.

"Tyler?" His voice was soft and muzzled into the hoodie of my jacket.

"Yes joshua?"

"I love you".

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