Chapter 9.

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I woke up having no idea what had happend. My body was sore, mainly down at my back. I had a horrible migraine, and all around I still had to carry on. It was only Tuesday and unfortantly school was still relevant in my life. I looked over at my clock. In a red font, the numbers spoke 7:00. I had exactly an hour to great ready but I would take an eternity just to get out of bed. And so I layed. Memories of yesterday came flooding into my mind. The barrier which kept the thoughts back broke, exposing me to even more depression as I realized my mom finally got a swing with blurry. Did I feel bad? No. Did she deserve to hear what he said? Well no. I mean maybe, but no. You can't just forget evil things. Especially when that evil is able to voice from you. I looked over and grabbed my phone. An object I felt like I hadn't used in years since josh gave me his number. As soon as I menatlly said his name I thought of him. I thought of the offer he gave me for today. I in general thought of him. My brain was making completely different actions, telling my fingers to scroll until you found his name. I felt the sudden urge to text him.

Me: hey, it's tyler.

As soon as I seen that the text went through, I turned the vibration off and completely ignored it. What if he was waiting for me to text him? What if he was awake right now, and wanted to do what I just did? What if he responds? I overwhelmed myself with the "what if's", and was only forced to check the phone.

Josh: hey tyler! It's about time I hear from you. Are you taking me up on my offer? Or did you randomly what to speak to me at 7:00 in the morning:)

I sat the phone on top of my covers and looked up at the ceiling smiling more than I should have been. I didn't understand my feelings towards him. And I never really questioned my sexually since I hadn't had any one tell me they had intrest in me. Josh looked like a flirty person and I'm pretty sure he acted that way towards every new person he met in each of his classes. But when it came to me, if felt different. And in return that made me feel special.

"Am I gay?" I quitely asked myself. I was snapped back to reality when I saw the light on my phone appear again.

Josh: sorry if that sounded rude. 3 minutes went bye and I didn't know if you ignored me becuase of that.

Me: no it wasn't. I was actually smiling becuase of that:)

I automatically pressed send and jolted out of my bed and to my closet to find something decent, but comfortable to wear. I could feel the breeze under my feet from the coldness outside coming through the floor board. The first thing I saw was a grey sweatshirt with floral colored leaves on it. I decided to wear that since the material on the inside always kept my fragile, pale body warm. I looked over after draping the sweatshirt on my arm and found my black draw string hoodie. I figured it's time to cover up whatever is left on my neck. I grabbed the black shoes on the outside of the closet and flung them across the room. After finishing what I wanted to get I swiftly made my way back to the bed to see if Josh had responded.

"Its never to late to stop showing those marks tyler. Soon you'll have more"

Each time blurry talked, my skull along with everything within it wanted to burst into a million pieces. His voice was like the devil himself and a bunch of low rumbles mixed together. It gave me a headache eachtime.

"W-why.. why would I get m-more?" My words reflcted how my perception perceived what blurry meant. Fear ignited my body.

"I can't be here to tell you everything tyler. I would like you to suffer on your own". Low chuckles escaped his mouth and came out mine.

I dropped to my knees, not sure what to comprehend. I took the palm of my hands and banged the temples of my head, each time putting more force to the hits.

"Shut up! Bang, Shut up! Bang, SHUT UP!"

I slowly dropped my hands when I didn't hear him laughing anymore. I got up and went to sit on my bed, staring down at me feet. A small gasp escaped from my lips.

It was a long walk to school considering the pace that I was going. When I had finally reached the schools grounds, I knew I was late becuase nobody was out in the parking lot socializing. I entered the warm building and headed straight to my English class, not bothering to get a note. The long hallway led me directly to the handle on the door. I slowly turned the knob, not wanting to gain any attention, but unfortantly that plan didn't work.

"Tyler?" The teachers voice sounded like he was at a state of shock. I had my back facing him from when i was trying to slip into the class. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but soon disolved the face and turned around.


"Your 30 minutes late to class. Care to explain?"

Silent broke out into the room. The eyes and ears of the nosey class was ready to hear my reason.

"Well, no I don't care to e-explain. It's none of there business and it's none of your business".

I placed my hands on the straps of my book-bag so they didn't fidget infront of everyone. My facial expression of course, showed I didn't care at this point.

"Oh really? Well I'm sure Mrs. Jones would love to hear why you couldn't simply answer my question and why you're staying after school for 3 hours".

The class erupted with a bunch of oo's and snickering. "Humans make me sick" I said to myself. I took the after school detention slip Mr. Walsh handed me and I went for my seat. As I looked up, I saw josh. My feelings turned on like a light switch when I saw him grinning at me, I guess enjoying the show I put on. I sat my stuff down and slid into the seat.

"Y'know most people wouldn't do that" he said in a hushed voice, gesturing his finger up to the front as I followed the direction.

"Do what?"

"Take that slip from him. I know I wouldn't"

"Well it's not like I'm going anyways. He can kiss my ass". My voice began to raise up, but reassured myself that I needed to lower it.

"Well even if you were going, I wouldn't allow you".

My body started fidgeting with exciment.

"Yea? And why's that?" A smirk crawled on to my face and stayed.

" Because you're spending the rest of the day with me".

I wanted to burst. Josh wanted to spend time with me. Nobody has ever wanted my company. I almost wanted to cry from feeling needed. But not infront of him.

"Oh.. uh.. o-ok-kay".

His body turned with full attention nearing me. His eyes stared deeply into mine. It made me feel self-conscious becuase I knew I looked shit being in such a rush.

"Sorry. Was that to foward? I can be like that sometimes".

A nervous laugh attacked my body and made me so the same.

"No, not all. I just never had someone say they wanted to be around me".

"Well tyler", a brief pause kept me on the edge of my seat.

"Those people who don't see the potential in you like I do, are stupid. So obvusily you've found someone".

And with that, he rested his hand on my knee, giving it a few taps before turning around finishing the rest of class out. I actaully had something to look foward to.

"Not for long ty"

W: this was so longggg. By the way, that's my fav outfit of tylers :$

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