Chatper 28.

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In a small matter of time we pulled into josh's driveway. I told him that I felt like something bad was going to happen. But what worried me was whether or not it was going to happen to me, or to josh. Josh was my life line. He's the assistance someone needs when their on life support or when they need a gasp of air. He's the small things that people need in life, and I wouldn't make it if something ever happend to him. Not in this short time. We got out the car, and instead of us walking in the front door, we went around the house and to the back yard. He guided me into the open spot of the yard and ushered me to sit on the soft, green grass.

"Alright. I need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me everything"

Talking about it, morally even thinking about it made me nervous.

"Well. I got in an argument with my mom, as usual, and after we were done I went to my room. So a way to cool myself down, I rested. I wasn't even five seconds into "falling asleep" that I saw him. I felt him, heard him. He told me that he was stronger than ever and tha-"

"Wait" he said, throwing his hands up.

"What do you mean he's stronger than ever? Has he ever told you that he was gaining power?".

His question made me think, because really I didn't know myself. So I just gave him some bullshit answer.

"N-not that I recall. I don't know what he's feeding off of because I've never felt better. You've made me feel better josh". I plucked the grass not looking up at him. His lump index finger tilted my chin up to look him directly in his hazel eyes.

"You will always be my number one. I know we haven't known eachother for the longest time, but we've filled in those gaps whether we realize that. All I ever wanted was to be your muse. I want to be the person who inspires you the most. And if I can't do that, then I've failed".

His finger started to rub my chin and my lower jaw. His eyes now attached to th movemnts he was doing my skinny face. There's never been a time were I felt more happy and safe. I don't know, but there's something about Josh. And I can't tell if it's the issues he went through that changed him, or if its because he met me, but I would love to know. But not everything in someone's life is show and tell. His fingers ran over my lips, stopping at the bottom chapped one.

"Can i?" He asked.

"J-josh this isn't the time to kiss. I just told you that something is gonna happen. And nevermind the fact the i have these from hell scratches on my ar-"

I felt my back quickly hit the hard ground, along with two pairs of soft kissable lips. I couldn't help but kiss back because.. why not. His fingers roamed through my hair pulling at the pieces lightly. His other hand roamed under my shirt and all around. I didn't know if his mom was home, and I didn't exactly want her to see us like this.

"Josh". My sounds were cut off by more kisses.

"S-stop, we c-cant. Not h-here"

It's like I said the magic word that he sprung off of me and waited. I sat up and fixed myself, trying to catch my breath. I asked the question that never seemed to appear around me and him.

"Does your mom know that you're gay? Not to be rude or anything"

He leaned his elbow into the crook of his leg and layed his cheek into hand in the most sarcastic uncomfortable way.

"Well what do you think Tyler? Of course she does silly!"

"Well I was just making sure! No need to get carried away". I added a light smile to reassure him.

"Does your mom know?"

My mind traveled me back to when we were in the living room. Each and everytime, there will be some min of arrgument. Whether it be because I didn't flush the toilet, the TV isn't working, or because she just wants to blame all her problems on her idiotic, dysfunctional son. I remember how I told her. I left, but came right back out and told her. Didn't hear from ever since about that.

"Yea s-she knows". A surprised look ran acroos josh's face.

"Well why didn't you tell me ty! What did she look like? Was she happy?"

"N-no. I don't know. We argued and as a way to get back at her after what she said to me, I told her I was gay. Then I walked off". His smile started to fade away, but I could tell he was still happy.

"Well she she knows. That's all that matters, right?"

"Yea. Right"

The sun was still very visable in the sky making the tempature feel a little better than these last couple of days. I looked around the yard before getting interrupted by josh again.

"You wanna go clean that up?"

"I thought you'd never ask!"

We both stumbled to get off the ground and into the deck. As I found my way up and onto my feet, Josh pulled me over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We're gonna fight this together. Do you know why?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I never had someone fight my battles with me. Not someone who cared. But I do. I care about you tyler. And nothing is gonna get in the way of his I feel about you. Do you understand me?"

Heat arrose from my body as it felt like I wanted to cry again. His words always had a way with me.

"I do. I love you Joshua Dun"

"I love you too Tyler Joseph"

W: boom! Anywhore the next chapter will be semi cute and a what not. And maybe I'll through in some smut idk. It's weird writing it in general. But that's why God forgives our dirty sins. Unless you don't believe in that... then that's perfectly fine I dont judge:)

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