Chapter 2.

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"I told your mom to bring you in today, becuase situations were getting worse at home. Am I right?"

"Say something to him tyler. He wants to know our story".

"I guess. I don't really care to answer that question", I quickly said back, after hearing him make the decision on what to do.

"And why's that? You know, I'm here to help you. Reasure you that your not alone in this. You see, I study people like you. I watch people like you and quite frankly i have very much interest in yo-

As he was running his mouth away on how much he likes to "help people like me", my mind began to drift away from my body. It happens all the time and it's a nice feeling when im able to disable myself like that. I began to ponder why anyone, and I mean anyone, would want to study a kid like me. There's nothing to us. There's nothing to me. I am nothing. If it wasn't for me i would still have my dad. If it wasn't for me i would still have a mother who isn't embarced to say "Yep, that's my son. And I love him dearly". Nobody wants a screw up. I just think that it's funn-"

"Tyler? Did you hear what I said? We can finish up this conversation next week. I want your mind to get some rest becuase it seems it doesn't want to listen now".

I looked at him. I gave him a blank expression before getting up and saying "I agree Doctor. I never liked listening to you anyways". And with that, I walked to the door and slammed it shut, reassuring him that I didn't like it here.

I waited for my mom outside of the building to get me. I've always heard people, mostly teens say how they hate it here in Columbus. After a while of realization, there's nothing to do for a misfit. But me, I very much enjoyed the dark, gloomy, and cold place. It felt like home away from home. I always knew I was different from everyone when I was young. I was anti-social and didn't like to be looked at. I prefered to isolate myslef from the world becuase that's what felt right. I could never say why my dad left me and my mom. But because of that action, my mom turned into a completely different person. She became clean of drinking a year ago, but just started again recently. She doesn't smile anymore. She doesn't smile at me anymore. I always felt like I was the reason dad left. I was a concept my dad couldn't understand. At a early age he always told me to never run away from my problems. But there he was, running away from me.
"How was it?" My mom blankly asked. Car rides with her were the worst. After 4 sessions with Doctor. Lane, she knew that I never stayed for more than 5 minutes becuase I didn't like talking to him. She didn't like the fact that she was paying $500 a month for me to not answer some stupid questions that would soon be evaluated on a clipboard. After all, we weren't the wealthiest family out here.

"It was fine. Just like any other session I have with him".

"Did you get up and leave? Or did you actually sit your little skinny ass in there and answer questions?"

My mom knows that she can use alot against me. And so she does. I don't blame her. If I saw me walking down the street I would stop myslef and say the things that I felt. So when she says stuff like that, it doesn't hurt as much. But then again, I was used to being stabbed.

"I think once again, you know the answer to that. But you most defitnily didn't have to ask like that".

"Whatever. Next session I actaully want to hear something good come out your mouth. I'm not paying $500 a month for you to sit in there and be afriad of some damn words. You like to use them to talk to yourself anyways, so do it in there".

I felt a sting in my chest. I turned my head towards the window so that she couldn't see any tears forming up. I never understood my mom. The day I tried to vanish myself, she seemed so worried about me. Frightened. Frightened by the fact that if she had walked in just a half of a second later, I would've been a goner. And now she shows no remorse towards me. But why should anyone show that?

W: I hope this is starting to catch the eyes of some people. Like I said, I'm new to the writing thing. So I want it to be really good when you guys read this:)💚 I also wanted to say that the characters that are going to be shown in the story are not fake. They are close friends of mine who could honestly understand me more than anything. So I hope you guys love them just as much as I do. I would also like to say that everything tyler experiences in this book, I've experienced... except for being in love with josh dun-_- I will explain more about me once you've read the book. I don't wanna give to much away about myself.

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