III | Deceitful [Request]

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[For Autumn or Flawlesskenzi]


Currently, Autumn was out of town to attend her grandmother's funeral and I had to stay home and watch our seventeen year old daughter Dionne.

It was around seven in the evening and I sat in the home theater, searching for a movie to watch. Central Intelligence?
Seen it. Purge: Election Year? Nah. Me Before You? Hell no. Finding Dory? Maybe.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing vibrating in my pocket. I dug down and pulled it out to see who it was. It was Autumn, wanting to FaceTime. I quickly answered and waited for the call to connect.

Once it did, I could see her laying on a bed in a black dress.

"Hey baby!" She squealed excitedly, "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too mama. What you doing?" I questioned, looking up at the movie screen. Finally coming up with my decision, I chose to watch Finding Dory. Childish, I know.

"Laying down. I just came back from the viewing of the body." She sighed. "What you doing?" She asked before getting out of bed and balancing her phone on some type of stand. She sat in front of the screen, staring at me.

"Watching Finding Dory." I replied. She started giggling.

"You're so childish Odell."

"Yeah, yeah. I know babe." I chuckled and looked up at the screen. Out of nowhere, I could her something unzipping from my phone. I looked down at my phone screen to see Autumn unzipping her dress.

"Aw damn Autumn, don't do that shit." I groaned trying to watch the movie but watch her at the same time. She was really trying to tease me...over the phone.

"I'm not going anything Odell. Just taking off my dress." She giggled like she was innocent. Once she pulled off her dress, she sat there in her matching bra and underwear. She had some nerve teasing my ass, knowing I'm sexually frustrated.

I kissed my teeth and groaned lowly, "You know exactly what you're doing. Wait till you come back home, I'm tearing that ass up." I bet with a smirk tugged at the end of my lips. "Teasing ass." I mumbled.

She bit her bottom lip at me before walking out the camera. Where'd she go now? I exhaled and turned my focus back to the movie.

A little while later, she came back to the phone screen in a tank top and some shorts.

"Where's Dionne?" She asked, taking the phone off the stand and going back to laying on the bed.

Right when she said that, Dionne skipped in with a smile on her face. She sat next to me and took my phone out of my hand.

"Hi mom! I miss you!" She waved at the camera and cheesed.

"Hey Dionne, I miss you more sweetie. Are you behaving yourself?" Dionne nodded in response,

"Of course mom."

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