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•Gavin's POV•

The last thing I remember is blackness.

I see ambulances and police cars. I'm being pulled from my spot in the wreckage of a plane, and my legs and arms are shredded.

I'm getting carried, now, to an ambulance. As I'm set down on a stretcher, I look back to see my items being retrieved from the wreck as well.

Just as it seems all my items are safe, a nurse blocks my view. She pulled off my ripped, shredded shirt and reveals my chest, which has also been cut and scratched.

As she's treating my wounds, two police officers come over and begin asking me questions.

"Can you tell us what your name is?" one asks. They're being quite kind, speaking gently and slowly.

"G-Gavin Free." I manage to stammer. My voice sounds dry and awful.

"Where was this plane headed, Gavin?" the other asks.

"Austin. Austin, Texas." I reply.

"Were you alone on this plane? You weren't with any friends or family?" asks the same one.

"N-no. I was alone."

For a moment, nobody says anything. Silence fills the air until one of the police officers brings words to his tongue.

"Are you aware that you are the only survivor?" the first man asks.

I look between the two men at the crashed plane, letting the thought that I am the only person left sink in.

"No." I reply.

"That will be all." he finishes, walking off.

The nurse checks my arms and legs, bandaging any severe wounds.

"It seems you have no head trauma," she begins, "However, I will have to take you to the hospital for severe wounds."

"Okay." I reply.

"Do not worry, your items will be delivered to your hospital room."

"Alright." I say. I lay back as they pull the stretcher into the ambulance.

"Excuse me." A new officer walks up to the murse.

"Yes?" she replies.

"Here's his phone."

The nurse takes my phone and sets it on the stretcher beside my arm as the officer walks away. I gently pick it up and unlock it.

It appears I have one new text. I check it and see it's from Michael.

'I'm coming, Gavin.'

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